To state the obvious, we have entirely different interpretations, and will not agree. I say the Futurist view is wrong and you say the Preterist view is wrong. Each of us give the same arguments. Don't you feel like a broken record?
It bears repeating long as you keep posting an incorrect view.
I have many authorative unbiased works of history, as well as 11 English Bible versions before me. The Bible versions all have the same basic translations of Daniel, the Gospels, 2 Thess. & Revelation in them, giving the same prophecies about the eschatological events. And, in all those history boox, the only fulfillment from the Olivet Discourse is the destruction of J & the temple. That was the main event of the fulfillment of the "days of vengeance" against that generation of Jews declared by Jesus.
The Old Covenant ended at the "Last Supper", but didn't go into full effect of being replaced by the New Covenant til Jesus' death & resurrection.
Jesus didn't return at all in 66-70 AD except to be Spiritually present whenever/wherever 2 or more are gathered in His name, as He is today.
And you forget that the Jews suffered a much-greater & longer punishment for their rejection/murder of Jesus, beginning 135-136 AD when Caesar Hadrian booted them outta their land, a punishment that lasted into 1945, culminating in the nazi holocaust. This is all recorded in the various history worx.
But NONE of the other events have occurred yet. You cannot show us that they have. Your guesswork and "replacement events" don't cut it. The prophecies MUST be fulfilled EXACTLY, TO-THE-LETTER! The beast will be both the antichrist and his empire. That empire must begin with 10 nations that were once part of the Roman and/or Holy Roman empires,(Rev. 17) who will appoint the antichrist to be their ruler. He will have to overthrow the rulers of 3 of those nations. He & his empire will gain control of virtually every people on earth; none will be able to oppose him. Now you know as well as I do that this is in Scripture & it hasn't yet happened.
And this didn't occur in the Roman empire. The events will have to be from the time of Domitian onward. But let's say Rev was written before 70 AD.(VERY doubtful.) (Nero was Caesar til 68 AD,) NONE of the subsequent Caesars overthrew 3 other rulers to become Caesar, nor entered the temple in Jerusalem, nor had a miracle-working false prophet as his sidekick.(The temple was destroyed against Titus' orders, & despite legends to the contrary, he didn't enter it. Besides, he was not Caesar til 9 years later.) You may search any legitimate work of history on earth to try to find the occurrence of such events, but it'll be in vain.
So see, I CAN, & HAVE PROVEN that preterism is false, & you have no truthful nor correct counters for those FACTS.
So, YES, the TRUTH needs repeating in the face of falsehood !