I'm a pastor and there are many times I appreciate it when people make an appointment or call ahead. There are times when I'm available to drop what I'm doing and talk and there are times when I'm not. Anybody who knows me knows that I love to talk, whether it's just shooting the breeze making small talk, or talking about serious things. But just because I like to do it doesn't mean that it's always possible for me to do it right at that moment. There are times when I simply have to say, "Hey, that's a great question and I want to talk with you some more about that, but I've got to get back to you. When would be a convenient time for you to talk about this?" It's always nice when people show me the courtesy of recognizing that I'm in the middle of something. It's also nice when they show the humility of understanding that the world doesn't stop for them and that there may be times when they have to wait in line.
We have 340 people in our church. Are we supposed to see them all at once? If somebody comes to me while I'm counselling someone and wants to talk, should I just end the counselling session to talk with them? If I'm sitting down to supper with my family (which the Bible says is my first priority, even before the church) and somebody calls me wanting to know the difference between predestination and predeterminism, is it really that big a crime to ask them to call me back at a specific time when I'm free to talk?
You're being silly now, JDF. Our church has less than 75 members. The other day I called our Pastor and found out he was on the road traveling. I told him I'd talk with him after he returned home. He did...and I did.