sounds like you're either strawmanning ... or arguing both sides of the same coin.
If the member did say "God-given entitlement" ... God-given being operative part of that. Did God bestow upon His highest creation, the one to whom dominion of the planet was given (for a time), the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?"
I recognize this isn't a phrase directly from scripture but quoting (if right/entitlement aren't the same) the Declaration of Independence.
If God gave it ... then it's just and true. The Declaration also recognizes the rights "endowed by our Creator" .... so while that's not a canonical statement, we do hold it to be true from scripture. If the Son makes you free, you are free indeed. (John 8:36). Given He does not want any to perish but all to come into repentance (2 Pet 3:9) ... then I'd say it's God who has made the declaration ... and the Declaration for the Founding of this nation.
Because the other side you argue is God's obligation. Even if the member DID say "God-given Entitlement" rather than a right, it seems this is failure to read the statement even you copied. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but if God instituted it ... then that's what it is. There's no haggling about it.
entitlement vice right ... well ... OK.
And why is this member apparently unable to participate in this thread?
@Aaron ?
Controlling the Microphone