And I can see the situation where the rights of one person do not outweigh the rights of the many. You are saying that the individual should have the right to do as they please. But if the employer has other people to worry about are we supposed to just say they have no right to a safe workplace?
for purposes of this disease ... how can the workplace be unsafe if you are "fully vaccinated" against CV19?
If you are the ONLY one with the cv jab, how can the workplace be unsafe for you?
The only way the statement of workplace "safety" (again, misuse of the term, but for argument's sake, OK) ... is that YOUR decision to take the CV VAX must also be imposed upon one who rejects it. Because of workplace "safety?" SMH.
The illustration was attempted by one of the govt noggins the other day and said it was like OSHA's requirement to wear a hard hat.
LOL ... the threat is FROM the job place and it protects the one wearing the helmet only. That has NO bearing on a respiratory virus from anywhere the virus can survive. Not gonna have a hammer fall on your noggin while sitting in the office.
... and ... the hard hat ... is removable. obviously this cv vax is NOT.