Logical fallacy. The fact you have never heard of the "classic view" reflects ignorance on your part rather than theology as a whole (it is like saying you do not exist because someone does not know you).What is this "classic view?"
No one has heard of any such view?
This is a mystery indeed.
Maybe no one else has discovered it yet??
Beyond that, good question. I forget some have not studied theology (other than their own views) and may not know these terms.
The “classic view” (subjective theory) and the “Latin view” (objective theory) are two approaches to the Atonement. The “classic view” looks at atonement on the grounds of a change taking place in men rather than a changing God’s attitude towards men. The “Latin view” looks at God as the object of Christ’s atoning work via a reconciliation through satisfaction (in Penal Substitution Theory this is satisfaction to God’s justice, in Satisfaction Theory to God's honor, in Aquinas' Substitution Theory in the form of merit).
The “classic view” would include positions which are themed along the lines of Christus Victor (Ransom Theory, Moral Influence Theory, etc.). The “Latin view” includes positions such as Satisfaction/ Substitution Theories to include Penal Substitution Theory.
If you are truly ignorant of these terms and you are interested there are several pretty good courses available online, some at no cost. Any introductory theology course would explain these views.