No. I had referenced judicial ideologies related to John Calvin (who was a humanistic lawyer). I decided that would only cause confusion (based on the fact that you had not encountered the "classic view" of atonement, I thought that my use of "humanistic" would be confusing to you and did not want to have to get into humanism as related to the Renaissance vs contemporary humanism.Perhaps you would like to restore the deleted post once again and we could see exactly what you said...oh no wait, we did that whole thing about a year ago,lol.
So once again you did not post it, I imagined
..okay JonC... was trying to get examples or proof
I guess these items were not new years resolutions....
You have claimed many things, to ask you for examples or proof is quite natural to clarify and remove the confusion, but nevermind....we understand.
If I asked David where he is a member, or anyone else they would say so.
What is the big secret?
I have heard some members preach on sermonaudio, again, nothing to hide, no strange request....Dr. Bob posted his sermons online on facebook.
What you imagined was that I was speaking of Calvinism as being humanism and elevating man over God. Perhaps you should concentrate on what is said, ask questions, and refrain from making false conclusions.
How do we know you are you, Iconoclast? Will you please link your facebook account so that we can see if you are really a truck driver in Georgia? (for illustration, not really asking because it is inappropriate, just making a point).
@davidtaylorjr , what is your home church? Where have you preached?
The reason I will not provide information is I think you are weird and it is a weird request. My preaching is not on the internet, so the only reason I can think of for you to want to know where I've gone to church is to stalk me and harass Christians who are not Calvinists. There are too many predators on the internet for me to intentionally subject these Christians to such things.
What you are doing, @Iconoclast , is resorting to ad hominem.
If you were an honest man your focus would be on the doctrine being discussed. My point was:
The “classic view” (subjective theory) and the “Latin view” (objective theory) are two approaches to the Atonement. The “classic view” looks at atonement on the grounds of a change taking place in men rather than a changing God’s attitude towards men. The “Latin view” looks at God as the object of Christ’s atoning work via a reconciliation through satisfaction (in Penal Substitution Theory this is satisfaction to God’s justice, in Satisfaction Theory to God's honor, in Aquinas' Substitution Theory in the form of merit).
The “classic view” would include positions which are themed along the lines of Christus Victor (Ransom Theory, Moral Influence Theory, etc.). The “Latin view” includes positions such as Satisfaction/ Substitution Theories to include Penal Substitution Theory.
Why do you resort to false accusation and trolling for personal information?