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Rise of the Warrior Cop


Well-Known Member
Ponch -- that's what Woody said. That's why he said it was about accountability. Accountability comes from the people who elected the officials, and hired the law enforcers.

Republicans want to hold democrats accountable and democrats want to hold republicans accountable but neither side wants to hold their own accountable.

Therefore no one ever gets held accountable aside from low level minions that get sacrificed for show.

Any argument made from within the boundaries of the false left vs right paradigm or based on the govt/media fear based "terrorism" propaganda is a Red Herring.

Let's go back to 1962 and look at the prediction made by Aldous Huxley

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” Aldous Huxley
Read the transcript here. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24712.htm

Cross reference with this . . .



Do you understand what Huxley was saying back in 1962? Did you catch this?

It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude.
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Well-Known Member
Aldous Huxley's brother Julian was the first director-general of the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization UNESCO for short.

I assume most of us know what Ronald Reagan said about UNESCO. He got us out of it. George W. Bush got us back into it. Well his wife did behind the scenes while he was pretending to be in opposition to the United Nations and UNESCO. The point is Aldous Huxley had an "insight" into the world of the "controlling oligarchy" or as I call them the globalists as he and his brother were part of it.

Anyway let's go back to what the Squire brought up. This militarized police state we're now talking about has been being put into place for a very long time. I woke up to it when I was a teenager and I've watched how easy it is for Huxley's "controlling oligarchy" (globalists) to gain our willing consent to have our liberties striped from us.

What has the buzzword been since 9/11/2001?


Pavlov after all made some extremely profound observations both on animals and on human beings. And he found among other things that conditioning techniques applied to animals or humans in a state either of psychological or physical stress sank in so to say, very deeply into the mind-body of the creature, and were extremely difficult to get rid of. That they seemed to be embedded more deeply than other forms of conditioning.

The Pavlovian conditioning started as soon as the World Trade Center buildings crumbled to the ground before our eyes while we were still in shock.

Accept the PATRIOT ACTS . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Accept torture . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Give us more power . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Give up your liberties . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Accept being stopped and frisked . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Accept the police wearing black masks and military fatigues . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Accept endless war . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Accept the police needing to be militarized . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. The police need to train with the military or . . . the "terrorists" will get you. Accept the police breaking your door down in the middle of the night or . . . the "terrorists" will get you. Accept the militarized police shutting down whole cities while they search door to door without warrants for one alleged "terrorist" or . . . the "terrorists" will get you. Accept being groped at the airport . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Give us more control . . . or the "terrorists" will get you. Give up that old outdated constitution or the "terrorists" will get you. Beware the "tea party" or the "terrorists" will get you. Go fight in Iraq or . . . the "terrorists" will get you. Go fight in Afghanistan or . . . the "terrorists" will get you. Accept the NSA listening to all your phone calls and reading all your emails or . . . the "terrorists" will get you. Beware of whistle-blowers or . . . the "terrorists" will get you.

And like Sapper said arm the police with m16s and armored vehicles . . . or the "terrorists" and criminals will get you.

And remember . . . "if you see something, say something".

Are you getting the picture yet? Woof Woof?

The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life ... A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors... Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same. George Orwell, 1984

It's time to wake up.
The answer to 1984 is 1776. Alex Jones
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Republicans want to hold democrats accountable and democrats want to hold republicans accountable but neither side wants to hold their own accountable.

Therefore no one ever gets held accountable aside from low level minions that get sacrificed for show.

Any argument made from within the boundaries of the false left vs right paradigm or based on the govt/media fear based "terrorism" propaganda is a Red Herring.

Let's go back to 1962 and look at the prediction made by Aldous Huxley

Read the transcript here. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24712.htm

Cross reference with this . . .



Do you understand what Huxley was saying back in 1962? Did you catch this?

And thus, why I'm a registered independent....


Well-Known Member
And thus, why I'm a registered independent....

Well Don I reckon the sheople are satisfied with living in the false left vs right paradigm. It gives them an "enemy" to fear and loathe that they can blissfully do battle with while the globalists that control both sides destroy the country and steal all our wealth right out from underneath our noses.

BTW. ya know how the globalists live?

Meet The Fortress Hotel That Separates The Davos Billionaires From The Peasants

The theme of this year's Davos meeting where the world's wealthiest and most powerful people meet to enjoy each other's company, a fawning media, and of course the best food and entertainment that money can buy, is social stability, class hatred, and how to fix a world torn by a record wealth inequality.

An ambitious task to be sure, especially for the very people who have benefited the most from the record wealth transfer of the past 5 years. Still, while these true Robin Hoods of the modern gilded age are desperate for a few minutes of humanitarian TV exposure, or at least a soundbite or two, their advice to the peasants out there is quite clear: don't get too close.

And just to make sure the appropriate distance of at least a few hundred meters to every member of the great unwashed class they are "saving" is maintained, here is the hotel in which the bleeding heart Davos billionaires are staying: a $170 million fortress surrounded by barbed wire, security cameras, motion sensor and even its own helipad.

Oh, and for those dignitaries of the non-private sector staying here, guess who is picking up the bill dear taxpayers.


And see this . . . Top 1% Has 65 Times More Wealth Than The Bottom Half And The Global Elite Like It That Way This is who the global militarized police force is meant to keep safe . . . from us if we were to ever wake up and notice who the real rulers are. It's got nothing to do with keeping us safe from "terrorists" or criminals. Those who tell us so have bought the elite's Red Herrings and now they're trying to sell them to us.

Welcome to the New World Order and the ultimate revolution.

How can we wake the sheople here up Don? It seems there is no amount of tyranny or corruption they will not accept so long as it comes from "their team".

Most of them won't even take part in important discussions prefering to just lurk instead. This is our future and our children's future we're talking about and they won't even make a peep.

Is it fear on their part? Or do they actually take comfort being conditioned like Pavlov's dogs and enslaved by a small group of oligarchs?
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How can we wake the sheople here up Don?

First, histrionics only create communication filters. I posted recently that this is the problem with Lew Rockwell. Lose the histrionics and focus on the facts.

Second, recognize our basic human failing: we like Limbaugh, Bill Maher, Howard Stern, because they entertain us. The compact disk was created for use by NASA, and typically cost upwards of $800 per disk; then someone in the entertainment industry recognized the potential of being able to store lots of data on one small optical disk, and sunk a lot of money into mass-producing the things, driving down the cost. The entertainment industry is why you can now buy 50 blank CDs for less than $20.

As a generalization, we like taking the easy route; we don't like to work hard. I really came to realize this in Afghanistan, where we thought we had to give the Afghans all the stuff they couldn't make themselves, and give them money to buy the stuff they needed to "be just like us", and teach them how to be just like us. I came to realize the truth: They were already like us. If someone offers us lots of money to buy things, and wants to give us lots of things, how quick are we to say "No"?

So realize the basic human failing, and use it to advantage. Tell a story, based on fact.

Harvey Weinstein and Meryl Streep want to make a movie that will "bury the NRA"; they're going to use our basic human failing of wanting to be entertained to appeal to our emotion and change our mindset to be negative towards guns. If done well, it might work.

If done well, the right story, the right story-teller, could influence all those sheeple to realize what's actually going on.

But then again, I thought "1984" was a very good story; but it obviously hasn't worked, has it?

Most of the people here don't really disagree with you, Poncho; but the histrionics and emotion-charged rhetoric against the enemies of liberty and freedom creates the communication filters that causes it to appear that they disagree with you.

Me, I'm gonna keep voting for who I think will do the best job, no matter the party; I'm gonna keep modifying this little place I've got to be as self-sustaining as I can; and I'm gonna keep telling the stories to my children, and pray that their eyes won't be blinded by the entertainment and "free things" that appeal to our basic nature, our natural human failing.


Well-Known Member
Problem with that Don is that the people who are considered "credible" in the news and entertainment business are either so uninformed they do not know the facts or they are so self interested that they fear that presenting the facts would ruin their careers and make them a laughing stock.

This country is in deep do do and everyone knows why but few will admit it.

The banks and corporations have gotten so rich and powerful they have either co opted every government on the planet or they use their captive government's military's to smash and occupy the countries that refuse to be corporately colonized.

I believe we are in the end game now. When all our wealth has been extracted and the people start rioting in the streets we'll see why the police have been militarized.
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Earth Wind and Fire

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Let me tell house guy a little story. My greatgrandfather Stephen was into technology and one of the best at designing,implementing and repairing (pumps used to take out water from mines) which as you can imagine made him quite the important on call guy in the Pennsylvania coal field's at the time. When he ammased enough money he bought approximately 300 acre's of farmland in Exiter PA....and he had two teams of plow horses that he bought for farm work. At this point he and his family all lived off the farm and they survived off the sweat of their work ...they had no electricity, no indoor plumming no nothing but hard daily work & they survived.

So last week I go into a NJ State building and go to the men's room and automatically the lights go on. Now the lighting control that makes that happen costs at least 100.00 dollar's ...then there was installation.....probably another &100.00. All because the government assumes I'm to lazy and stupid to shut the lights off....so the tax payer guests ringed $200.00 smackers. Also when I step back from the urenal the thing flushes itself. Also the sink has sensors in it to turn on/off the water and the hand dryer turns o n/off by itself. And these freakish things cost.

At that moment I thought of grandpa Steve and wondered what he would think.
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Well-Known Member
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Problem with that Don is that the people who are considered "credible" in the news and entertainment business are either so uninformed they do not know the facts or they are so self interested that they fear that presenting the facts would ruin their careers and make them a laughing stock.

This country is in deep do do and everyone knows why but few will admit it.

The banks and corporations have gotten so rich and powerful they have either co opted every government on the planet or they use their captive government's military's to smash and occupy the countries that refuse to be corporately colonized.

I believe we are in the end game now. When all our wealth has been extracted and the people start rioting in the streets we'll see why the police have been militarized.

Ponch - the people who are considered "credible" are the ones being used to tell the story....

Consider the basic storyline of "Watchmen," and tell me what you think.


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Military weapons and training have always trickled down to local police. Just think of the 'Tommy gun' in the 1930's, Krag rifles around 1900, semi-automatic pistols that replaced 6 shot Smith and Wesson revolvers in most police departments in the 80's. etc

When there was widespread flooding in the US during the 30's many police departments had orders to shoot looters on sight. No one considered it extreme at the time. The "Law and Order" impulse is a stong current in our society and it always has been, though not always with good results.

Gina B

Active Member
Let me tell house guy a little story. My greatgrandfather Stephen was into technology and one of the best at designing,implementing and repairing (pumps used to take out water from mines) which as you can imagine made him quite the important on call guy in the Pennsylvania coal field's at the time. When he ammased enough money he bought approximately 300 acre's of farmland in Exiter PA....and he had two teams of plow horses that he bought for farm work. At this point he and his family all lived off the farm and they survived off the sweat of their work ...they had no electricity, no indoor plumming no nothing but hard daily work & they survived.

So last week I go into a NJ State building and go to the men's room and automatically the lights go on. Now the lighting control that makes that happen costs at least 100.00 dollar's ...then there was installation.....probably another &100.00. All because the government assumes I'm to lazy and stupid to shut the lights off....so the tax payer guests ringed $200.00 smackers. Also when I step back from the urenal the thing flushes itself. Also the sink has sensors in it to turn on/off the water and the hand dryer turns o n/off by itself. And these freakish things cost.

At that moment I thought of grandpa Steve and wondered what he would think.

If you have no electricity and no indoor plumbing today and you have elderly people or children in your home, it is considered neglect and an order put in with a judge to take them into protective custody.
Don't you dare try to live without modern conveniences. It's illegal now and makes you a radical who goes on watch lists because you must be up to no good.
However, when the neighbors electric goes out, they're sure fast to knock on your door for a lantern and want to put the stuff from their fridge in your cellar. :laugh:

OTOH, after a while of living with doors opening themselves for me, I was the idiot walking into doors when I moved to where I had to actually open one for myself. :BangHead:


Well-Known Member
"Cooperate" With the Police -- Or Be Assaulted in Front of Your Children

“See – this is what happens when you don’t cooperate with the police!” snarled Neil Uhrig as he pinned Melissa Miller to the floor of her home. It’s not clear whether Officer Uhrig was expressing satisfaction at the expense of the traumatized woman, or trying to tutor her screaming nine-year-old daughter, Julliet, who had watched in horror as Uhrig assaulted her mother, threw her against a couch, and then handcuffed her while thrusting a knee into the middle of her back.

It was nearly midnight when Uhrig and another officer arrived at the home Melissa shared with her boyfriend and their blended family. Julliet and a friend had noticed the police approaching the house, and they went to wake up Melissa. Still groggy from sleep, Melissa opened the door a crack, only to be startled fully awake when Uhrig – unbidden and without legal justification of any kind – shoved his foot inside the home and announced, “I’m going to search your house.”

“No, you are not,” Melissa replied, giving Uhrig a lawful order he was required to obey. Rather than doing so, he shoved the door open and committed felonious aggravated battery by seizing Melissa’s arm, twisting it behind her back, and throwing her to the ground. As he did so, Uhrig performed the familiar ritual of reciting the shared refrain of police and rapists: “Stop resisting!”

Although she was morally and legally entitled to resist the home invasion – through the use of lethal force, if necessary – Melissa had neither the means nor the opportunity to do so.


A Step Back Toward Peace Keeping.

I grew up in an America with cops in the background. Most people – being not criminals – had almost no interaction with them and when they did it was generally civil and far more important, almost always on equal terms – with the cop respectful of the citizen.

It goes without saying that’s all gone now. Cops are a menacing omnipresence – and when they deal with us, it is usually order barking Command Voice style. You do not discuss, much less dispute. You Submit and Obey. Or else.The least recalcitrance – merely to question anything – is often sufficient to bring down a Fallujah-style escalation. People are routinely dragged out of their cars, roughly thrown to the ground, pummeled, kicked – and much worse than that. Often, over trivial things. Police even in small towns have become indistinguishable from soldiers.

It is out of hand – obviously so – and if left unchecked will grow much worse, much sooner as the vortex picks up speed. What was inconceivable 20 years ago is routine today. What will be routine 20 years from today?

We face a choice: Either we accept being treated as “indigs” by an army of occupation that accepts no limits to its authority and which regards us as disposable as themselves as untouchable. Or we step back from the abyss before it’s too late. We recover our senses. We no longer accept the unacceptable.

Here’s how, in a few simple steps:

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Well-Known Member
Jackboot Hall Of Shame: Police Brutality Videos Archive

This archive contains 64 videos, with direct links for file downloading. Unfortunately, many of these shocking and outrageous videos contain extreme violence and even death. This archive was made in memory of Oscar Grant of Hayward, CA.

View them all http://www.prisonplanet.com/jackboot-hall-of-shame-police-brutality-videos-archive.html here.

Epic Revolts And Police Brutality Around The World As US Media Talks About Celebrities.

You want to know what’s happening around the world?

The state-controlled US media won’t do it for you. They’ve been distracting you with celebrity “news” all week.

Here’s a couple of incidents they didn’t tell you about.

A video that is now going viral in India has citizens over there alarmed that police brutality is on the rise.

With no idea they were being filmed, these two police officers corner a boy and beat him with clubs over and over again.

Then they steal the money from his pockets for their personal gain (in the US, police call this taxation).

The reality of the situation is that police violence is not “on the rise” — it’s always been part of the job description.

Police are doing this everywhere, every day, and they were doing it long before we had the Internet and cell phone cameras to document it.

It only appears to be on the rise because we have the technology to see it now.

If we had only the mainstream media to rely on, (like TND) we’d all still be saying it’s “a few bad apples.”

View the videos http://filmingcops.com/epic-revolts-and-police-brutality-around-the-world-as-us-media-talks-about-celebrities/ here.

Back to the regular programming…

DC Police Misconduct: Over 100 Arrested, 47 Convicted in Last 5 Years

In the last month, three D.C. officers were accused in unrelated investigations involving child pornography, attempted murder and the running of a prostitution operation involving teenage girls.

More than 100 officers have been arrested in the last 5 years in D.C.. Most of the arrests involved alcohol-related traffic offenses or domestic violence.

Councilman Tommy Wells, who chairs the public safety committee, ran a hearing on Friday to address the issue. He said the arrests were “shocking” and put MPD Chief Cathy Lanier on the hot seat. In his opening statement, he said:

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Military weapons and training have always trickled down to local police. Just think of the 'Tommy gun' in the 1930's, Krag rifles around 1900, semi-automatic pistols that replaced 6 shot Smith and Wesson revolvers in most police departments in the 80's. etc
WHY did these "trickle down"?


Well-Known Member
Do We Live in a Police State? | Ron Paul

In the modern United States, federal laws are now so numerous and written so broadly and vaguely, that it is nearly impossible to make it through the day without breaking at least one of them. And through it all, an enormous government apparatus of prisons, prosecutors, police, and bureaucrats remains well-funded, powerful, and nearly impossible to oppose in court.


“Prisons are Big Business”: The Prison-Industrial Complex and the Global Economy

Editor’s Note: This was one of the first articles published by Global Research on October 18, 2001

Over 1.8 million people are currently behind bars in the United States. This represents the highest per capita incarceration rate in the history of the world. In 1995 alone, 150 new U.S. prisons were built and filled.

This monumental commitment to lock up a sizeable percentage of the population is an integral part of the globalization of capital. Several strands converge — the end of the Cold War, changing relations between labor and capital on an international scale, domestic economic decline, racism, the U.S. role as policeman of the world, and growth of the international drug economy — creating a booming prison/industrial complex. And the prison/industrial complex is rapidly becoming an essential component of the U.S. economy.

Prisons are Big Business

Like the military/industrial complex, the prison/industrial complex is an interweaving of private business and government interests. [CORPORATISM] Its twofold purpose is profit and social control. Its public rationale is the fight against crime.

Not so long ago, communism was “the enemy” and communists were demonized as a way of justifying gargantuan military expenditures. Now, fear of crime and the demonization of criminals serve a similar ideological purpose: to justify the use of tax dollars for the repression and incarceration of a growing percentage of our population. The omnipresent media blitz about serial killers, missing children, and “random violence” feeds our fear. In reality, however, most of the “criminals” we lock up are poor people who commit nonviolent crimes out of economic need. Violence occurs in less than 14% of all reported crime, and injuries occur in just 3%. In California, the top three charges for those entering prison are: possession of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance for sale, and robbery. Violent crimes like murder, rape, manslaughter and kidnapping don’t even make the top ten.

Like fear of communism during the Cold War, fear of crime is a great selling tool for a dubious product.

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WHY did these "trickle down"?

Partly because police needed greater firepower to deal with criminal gangs. Everyone from Al Capone on through MS 13 was better armed than the police.

Also the miltary had all those surplus weapons to dispose of!

Gina B

Active Member
Partly because police needed greater firepower to deal with criminal gangs. Everyone from Al Capone on through MS 13 was better armed than the police.

Also the miltary had all those surplus weapons to dispose of!

How far are you willing to go with the "gotta outgun the bad guys" philosophy?

Because they have some pretty intense weapons. Are you absolutely sure that the best and brightest option is to simply arm police officers with bigger, badder things than the other people have?

Sapper Woody

Well-Known Member
How far are you willing to go with the "gotta outgun the bad guys" philosophy?

Because they have some pretty intense weapons. Are you absolutely sure that the best and brightest option is to simply arm police officers with bigger, badder things than the other people have?

I personally am willing to go as far as it takes, provided two things: police are held accountable for their actions, and that any weapon they field is made legal to own as a personal weapon.


Well-Known Member
I personally am willing to go as far as it takes, provided two things: police are held accountable for their actions, and that any weapon they field is made legal to own as a personal weapon.

I can see it now in Sapper's world the "gangs" and the cops would be radiating each other with LRADS and having tank battles in the streets.

The military industrial complex could use a good man like you Sapper you got some real money making ideas there. :thumbsup:

Why don't we just reinstate the US constitution and bill of rights and hold anyone that violates them accountable instead of giving them more power to violate them whenever they ask for it?

Yeah I know, if we don't give the govt and police unlimited power over us the "terrorists" and "criminals" will get us. :rolleyes:
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Sapper Woody

Well-Known Member
I can see it now in Sapper's world the "gangs" and the cops would be radiating each other with LRADS and having tank battles in the streets.

The military industrial complex could use a good man like you Sapper you got some real money making ideas there. :thumbsup:

Why don't we just reinstate the US constitution and bill of rights and hold anyone that violates them accountable instead of giving them more power to violate them whenever they ask for it?

Yeah I know, if we don't give the govt and police unlimited power over us the "terrorists" and "criminals" will get us. :rolleyes:

I said nothing of the sort. In fact, I almost literally said the opposite. It is a no brainer that the police force needs to be able to keep control where criminals are concerned. To do this, they have to have equipment that is equal to, or better than the criminals have. The only other option is to call in the military whenever there is a big incident. Got a guy holed up in a building with an automatic weapon? The police need to be able to deal with it. This is a no-brainer.

The problem does not lie with the training they are receiving or the equipment that they are getting. It is with the abuse of power. It is the lack of accountability for actions taken. They need the training and weaponry. To deny this is the height of ignorance. But they need to be ingrained with the old adage that "with great power comes great responsibility". And then if they step out of line, they need to be dealt with swiftly and justly.

I do not advocate for unlimited power over us, as you stated. Quite to the contrary, I advocate as little police/government involvement in anything as possible.

Now, since you've brought it up, terrorism is indeed a threat. But there has to be a balance of protection and freedom. We've gone WAY too far into the protection realm where we are losing our freedoms. Just take a look at the TSA and the power they wield for a prime example. We, as Americans, have bought into the big scare. We've allowed the terrorists to win on our homefront by handing over freedoms in the name of safety.