I will let the readers look at your posts and mine and judge for themselves whose telling the truth. I am not going to continue requoting posts as this can be a never ending back and forth useless discussion. Instead I am going to prove your exposition is false and impossible.
Won't happen because you can't accurately portray what I've said.
1. There is no such thing as a "PERPETUAL" use of the present tense especially how you apply it and did apply it to Romans 8:11-13. No Christian lives "PERPETUALLY" in the power of the Spirit but must repeatedly be filled with the Spirit and repeatedly submit anew in the face of each attack by the indwelling law of sin. Not even the Apostles were able to live PERPETUALLY in the Spirit as Peter needed rebuking by Paul and so did Barnabas (Gal. 2). If not we, would not have repeated exhorations to "put on the new man" and to "put off the old man" and "be filled" if it were a "PERPETUAL" life in the power of the Spirit. So you interpretation of Romans 8:11-13 is wrong
I not only explained it to you but gave you the link to a website that specialize in Green verbe tenses. Your word against theirs.
And I did not say that the Christian ALWAYS LIVE perpetually in the Spirit. I said that is God's DESIRE. So unless you think that God prefers lukewarmness (Rev 3:16) you're nuts to attempt to refute that.
Your conclusion that the apostles "were not ABLE" is nonsense.
"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:
the spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak" Matthew 26:41.
You're so bent on determinism that you can't see the forest from the trees on verses that clearly show that man is ABLE, but often is just not WILLING.
We become servants to that which we YIELD TO (Romans 6:18) and YIELDING is a deliberate act of the WILL. Galations 6:8
2. Your interpretation that the unregenerated man can remove himself from the "power" of indwelling sin as described by the "carnal mind" in Romans 8:7-8 is wrong. Not even the regenerated man can do that except by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit as proven in Romans 7:18-24.
Once again, you have a bad habit of reading your conclusions into something that was not said. An unregenerate man CAN have the power of sin removed BY GETTING SAVED. Not once have I ever said that an unregenerate person can REMOVE their sin. That is your pre-programmed response to anyone that opposes deterministic compatibilism.
3. Your interpretation of Romans 8:7 is wrong. As I have ONLY said, The "carnal mind" MEANS the WILL IN ACTION under control of the flesly nature/fallen nature/law of sin as the terms "enmity" and "is not subject to the law of God" demand it is the WILL IN ACTION under these characterizations. NO AORIST TENSE as only an idiot would assert tense to greek nouns but MEANING and IMMEDIATE APPLICATION of the term demands this. This verse describes the STATE OF MIND UNDER THE POWER OF INDWELLING SIN. This state cannot be overpowered by the will of the regenerated man, much less the unregenerated man but is only overpowerred by submission to the power of the indwelling Spirit - vv. 9-13.
And again, you're wrong! No, that carnal mind does NOT mean "will in action". "Sarx" (carnal) and "Phronema" are NOUNS. "CARNAL MIND" does not have any tense whatsoever and you are STILL DOING exactly what I said you were doing to those 2 NOUNS. Carnal mind DOES NOT "mean" WILL IN ACTION.
Carnal mind means=CARNAL MIND.
by submission to the power of the indwelling Spirit
NOW we're getting somewhere!
4. Your interpretation of Romans 8:7-8 that it does not apply to the unregenerate nature is wrong. Verse 8 refers to the condition of the FALLEN NATURE in control of the will as expressed in verse 7 and declares that is why the unregenerated man or those "IN" the flesh "cannot please God." You assert the very opposite. YOu assert they not only can please God but they can overpower the mind set described in Romans 8:7 and do good. Thus in effect you are claiming the unregenerated man can do by his OWN WILL POWER what the regenerated man CANNOT DO but by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God
You still don't get it. Romans 8 is not a THESIS ON THE FALLEN NATURE. I'll say it again, the context is ABOUT walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. The fact that this is not ABOUT a doctrinal treatise on the fallen nature is clearly shown by the fact that the same description of being IN the flesh ALSO CAN HAPPEN TO THE BELIEVER.
First of all, a nature can not be fallen and determined at the same time. Chew that one over with the compatibilist view. If it fell, that means there was a cause to it, if the cause was a preordained deterministic act, then it can not be said to have fallen.
Secondly, you are trying to build a doctrine about inability (which you STILL have not proven from Romans 8) when Paul is merely using the flesh as a standard of comparison. Paul is not making any argument for an unbeliever being totally UNABLE (with INABILITY) to subject themselves to God, at any time, EVER, because that's where other Scriptures show that such is not the case because it in fact HAS HAPPENED THROUGH OUT THE ENTIRE BIBLE. You would suggest that I use verses to contradict Romans 8:7. However, you need to face the fact that you are using ONE VERSE to contradict SCORES OF OTHERS. Therefore when there is an apparent conflict in Scripture, other Scriptures show that something in that chapter must be in harmony so that the context can be explained clearly.
What is it that is in conflict? Man being totally unable to be subject to God and pleasing Him at any time, any place, AT ALL. Acts 10 shows that can not be true, because Cornelius pleased God, and he was not saved until AFTER he heard Peter's words (Act 11:14). Solomon said that "when A MAN'S ways PLEASE THE LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him" Prov 16:7.
An unsaved man can not only KNOW the way of righteousness, can TURN FROM IT (so much for irresistible grace):
"For it had been better for them not to
have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it,
to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them" 2 Peter 2:21
If it was better for them to HAVE NOT KNOWN, then that means at some point they HAD KNOWN and TURNED from it.
SO then how is the conflict resolved?? BY GOING TO THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER and seeing the WALK in verses 1 and 4. "WALK" is from
peripateo from which Latin derived it's word for perptuus where we get PERPETUAL. The TVM for peripateo is present active participle which means it is something is repeated and repeated= PERPETUAL.
Paul is making the contrast of believer fulfilling God's command to WALK perpetually in the Spirit of God, and by contrast, they that are in the flesh can not do so because regardless of what good that can do, or what light they can comprehend, without the Spirit of God they CAN NOT BE SUBJECT TO GOD PERPETUALLY because they are not indwelt by the Holy Spirit. When they make an effort, they will revert back to the pig in the mire (1 Peter 2:22).
If you fail to make this distinction you CAN NOT properly understand Romans 8.