If you were "dead" to sin in the absolute sense, then you would never sin at all at any time. Something "dead" has no activity, no power, no influence, no control, no presence, and no existence as it is buried with Christ.
What is absolute? What you see or what God sees? Again, I say you are walking by sight and not by faith.
By the same faith that initially saved us, we are to reckon ourselves "dead to sin."
Romans 6:7;
For he that is dead is freed from sin. That is a statement of logic, from Paul. Here Paul is counting it as a fact and he is telling us to count it as a fact.
To the contrary, your dying is a process including sickness, aging, decaying, all of which show the presence and power of sin in your person.
This is dealing with Romans 5. Many use this to show that we sinned when Adam sinned, but that is not the case.
To say our dying and sickness is because of what we did (sinned) when Adam sinned is never followed up with the logic that would have to follow.
Our salvation is not what Christ did for us, but what we do. (Now some may go along with that, but I'm not into works salvation.) Our dying has nothing to do with anything we do, but has everything to do with what Adam did. And not just what Adam did, but the results of Adam being put out of the garden. Remember Adam was put out of the garden, lest he eat of the tree of life and live forever.
So our salvation comes because of our being in Christ, not because of what we do, but because of what Christ did for us. Before, our dying was a result of our being in Adam, just as Romans 5 indicates. Adam was our head/covering and now Christ is our head/covering/atonement. That is what Romans 7:1-3 is about. The first husband is dead and the woman (our spirit) is free to marry another, Christ. It about, Who you are in!
I understand it exactly how it is used in imputation of Christ's righteousness to the "ungodly." The ungodly is to "reckon" himself righteous because he is righteous in regard to his POSITION "in Christ" by faith. That does change the fact that personally he is still "ungodly" by the standard of the law but justification before God has to do with his POSITION "in Christ" by faith.
In regard to progressive sanctification we are to "reckon" ourselves "dead" to sin because we are "dead" to sin in regard to our POSITION "in Christ" just as we are already "seated in heavenly places in Christ." That does not change the fact that in our own person we are very much alive to the presence and power of sin. However, God imparts power to overcome sin as we experientailly "walk as we received the Lord Jesus Christ" by faith, reckoning ourselves "dead" to sin "in Christ." In other words, we are walk or live by faith according to our POSITION in Christ and by so doing God imparts power to overcome sin.
The power to overcome sin has already been established. Because of everything that has already happened, our death, burial, and resurrection with Christ, we are free from sin.
We are justified because of what Christ did for us and because we are now in Christ.
We are free from the power of sin because, the body, the flesh, the old man "IS" dead.
Sin comes at us through the flesh, that is why sin no longer has control over the believer, because it is dead. You are not arguing with me if you don't believe it, you are arguing with God. God said it is dead, so that settles it for me. It's not up to me to see it, it's just up to me whether to believe God and walk in that truth or not believe God and walk after the flesh and if I walk after the flesh I will fall into sin.
The flesh is not my main focus as it once was, God is my main focus. God will satisfy the "needs" of the flesh in a way that does not lead to sin.