Willis, I agree with you in part here, but for a different reason.
I am thankful, Bro. Tom, that we can agree, at least, in part.
You, and many others, believe that someway, somehow, everybody has been exposed to the gospel. You have proposed the way you think that happened, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Correct. There are some that may never-ever-hear the gospel through a preacher, but I do think that God will speak to all who "come to know to do good, and doeth it not."
I, too, believe that they are without excuse, for two reasons. One, they have the evidence of a Creator from the creation, and turned their back on that evidence. But they cannot be held to account for rejecting Jesus Christ, of whom they have never heard.
To me,
hearing is the qualifier, here. As I have stated in previous posts, one can go to church their whole life, and hear the gospel message preached. But if God doesn't open their eyes, they will not understand. Now, God can talk to someone, and a preacher isn't anywhere around, and they truly understand what He states, when He states it. The thing that makes me scratch my head in this, is that I thought my DoG Brethern would actually agree with me on this. I think that God can save outside the gospel, meaning, God can save someone without a preacher being present. Like I stated, I thought more would be in agreement with me, but......
I simply think the evidence is that there are many who have never heard the gospel or of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, Paul would not have had to go on his missionary journeys. Remember, in Athens, when he preached in the marketplace, the philosophers said this was new stuff, and invited him to come to Mars Hill to hear more about this Jesus and the resurrection.
And some did believe what Paul preached to them. Look, in reality, God really doesn't need us to accomplish His will. He is God, and can do anything He chooses to do, except He can't lie. For whatever reason, He chose man to do His will, such as preach the gospel, comfort those who have lost loved ones, visit those who are in the hospital, nursing homes, the "shut-ins", etc. If God wanted to, He could have picked "Israel" right up out of Egypt, and placed them in the "promised man". But, for whatever reason, He chose Moses to lead them out, by His hand.
So how can they be condemned? From Romans 1 and 2, I take that they are "a law unto themselves." That is, they have a moral code of some kind, but cannot even live up to their own code. That will be the basis of judgment against them. And they will acknowledge that the judgment is just.
Bro. Tom, they are condemned solely by unbelief. They failed to believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those which diligently seek Him(Heb. 11:6). I think they were presented the gospel(whether through preaching or directly from God talking to them via the Spirit) and failed to believe, whereas, I guess you believe God passed over them and left them in their already condemned state(is this correct, I don't want to put words in your mouth, Brother)?
That's my take. We agree on the result, but not the way we get to the result.
You know, Bro. Tom, in the end, it will be all over. Then we'll get to look at our KING!!! I am ready to go, praise His sweet name!! I can't wait to lay my crown at my Master's feet, and thank Him for what He did for one little lost lamb.
Here I am, Lord here I am,
I am the one the Father left the fold to find.
There were ninety and nine,
And He left the fold to find.
One little lost lamb,
And Lord here I am!!
I am the one the Master went to find, and when He found me, He put me up on His shoulders, carried me back, and placed me in the fold!!! And those already in the fold, didn't "buck up" at me. They welcomed me in with open arms!!! I want to go home, Lord!!!!
i am I AM's!!