Where I'd like to go with this that you are saying, which I appreciate what you are saying and get, is like I did when I tried to deferenciate and make a distinction between these two;
I say that someone is mixing up REPENTANCE AND PENANCE.
Where, in this case, I see a 'principal determination'
to leverage another level of insight, it would be
1.) to see the 'sinners unrestrained sin' as of course ensuring
their endurance of suffering in Hell will be unlimited,
since their quilt is always increasing incrementally,
and yet, 2.) the actual suffering as an 'act'
is the effect from another initial 'act',
which would be the cause of that suffering, or Punishment,
and that is The Justice of God being activated as the result of
His Law has been transgressed and broken by their sins.
When God is Offended by His LAW BEING BROKEN,
ANS since God is Infinite and Eternal, then any sin against
His Trice-Holy Perfection must and does meet
with a 'debt' that has accrued, and deserves a Punishment
EXACTED FROM GOD'S JUSTICE that also has the eventuality of
the endless endurance of Eternity, also.
I understand a modern sentimentality that seeks to white out
the element of God's Justice concerning Christ's Suffering
and the suffering of the lost in Hell,
leading to a distaste for a belief in The Penal Substitutionary Atonement,
in the minds of some, however, Jesus had to suffer my Hell before I could be Pardoned, for His Sake, and then what...? then,
once I've been Pardoned for my sins, I could then be looked upon
by God the Father as having no sin charged to my account
whereupon I could then be FREELY JUSTIFIED as if I'd not broken His Law.
Whereas, the lost sinner, who has broken His Law and died in their sins
have that debt of sin as a Lawbreaker who HAS TO BE PUNISHED, for
God to remain Just.