Dr. Walter
New Member
66.....Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian truth gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries."
77 "In order that the full and living Gospel might always be preserved in the Church the apostles left bishops as their successors. They gave them 'their own positions of teaching authority.' Indeed, "the apostolic preaching, whch is expressed in a special way in the inspired books was to be preserved in a continuous line of sucession until the end of time."
78 "This living transmission, accomplished in THE HOLY SPIRIT, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, through closely connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life, and worship perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that SHE HERSELF IS, all that she believes. "The sayings of the holy Fathers are a witness to THE LIFE-GIVING PRESENCE OF THIS TRADITION, showing how its riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her belief and her prayer.
79 "The Father's SELF-COMMUNICATION made through His Word in the Holy Spirit, REMAINS PRESENT and ACTIVE in the Church.......
80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together and communicate ONE WITH THE OTHER. For both of them FLOWING OUT OF THE SAME DIVINE WELL-SPRING, come together and move towards the same goal.......
81 "Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under teh breath of the Holy Spirit.
"And [Holy] Tradition transmits IN ITS ENTIRETY THE WORD OF GOD......
84 The apostles entrusted the "Sacred Deposit" of the faith (the depositum fidei), CONTAINED IN SACRED SCRIPTURE AND TRADITION, to the whole of the Church. - Catholic Catechism
Thus the final authority for faith and practice for Rome is the combination of sacred scripture and apostolic oral exposition of scripture recognized as "the Deposit of faith."
Rome denies this apostolic oral tradition IS what is made permenant in the New Testament Scriptures. Instead, Rome imagines that a SEPARATE oral tradition from inspired apostolic writings that form the New Testament is transmitted in a line of succession to the end of the age through bishops. This line of transmision they define as "The Tradition."
What they fail to see is that most of the Old Testament scriptures were first orally communicated before they were put into writing. Moses gathered much of the materials for Genesis through oral traditions passed down through the fathers. Between Adam and Abraham there were three generations (Adam, Methuselah and Seth as Seth died during the days of Jacob). Yet the written scriptures REPLACED the oral traditions as final authority.
I have posted a theme on Isaiah 8:14-20 to prove that the Apostles clearly understood that they were to lay a "foundation" (Eph. 2:20) of canonical authority through their ministries by taking the oral traditions passed down to them by Christ Himself (Mt. 28:20) and thus the "doctrine of the apostles" (Acts 2:42) by being delivered once for all to them (Jude 3) who in turn delivered to the churches of Christ ultimately in written form (2 Thes. 2:13; 2 Pet. 3:15-17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17) and by the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their lives concluding in the last written revelation by the Apostle John (Rev. 1:3 with Isa. 8:16,20).
However, Rome places this IMAGINARY ORAL DEPOSIT between the completed written deposit of Scriptues and our present day through THE TRADITIONS of the Fathers as contained in the ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene records utlimately refined and defined by the Magisterium of the Church.
The problem with this theory are the following things:
1. The oral apostolic traditions also were written down as the New Testament and this is the deposit of faith along with the Old Testament deposit of faith - both sacred scripture and inspired and completed by the apostles (Isa. 8:14-20).
2. The ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, and church counsels, popes, magisterium UNLIKE the sacred inspired deposit of faith (Old and New Testaments) are UNINSPIRED and full of errors, contradictions, and disputes.
3. They have made the UNINSPIRED tradition inseparable and co-joint with the inspired sacred scriptures and ultimately the UNINSPIRED becomes the infallible authority in righty intepreting the INSPIRED men of God rather than allowing INSPIRED MEN to rightly interpret INSPIRED MEN through the Holy Spirit - thus comparing scriptuers with scriptues as the final authority for faith and practice.
4. Out of one side of their mouth they say revelation has ceased but out of the other side of their mouth they maintain that God continues to reveal Himself through tradition in an unfolding manner that needs correcting, editing and debating by the magisterium.
77 "In order that the full and living Gospel might always be preserved in the Church the apostles left bishops as their successors. They gave them 'their own positions of teaching authority.' Indeed, "the apostolic preaching, whch is expressed in a special way in the inspired books was to be preserved in a continuous line of sucession until the end of time."
78 "This living transmission, accomplished in THE HOLY SPIRIT, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, through closely connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life, and worship perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that SHE HERSELF IS, all that she believes. "The sayings of the holy Fathers are a witness to THE LIFE-GIVING PRESENCE OF THIS TRADITION, showing how its riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her belief and her prayer.
79 "The Father's SELF-COMMUNICATION made through His Word in the Holy Spirit, REMAINS PRESENT and ACTIVE in the Church.......
80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together and communicate ONE WITH THE OTHER. For both of them FLOWING OUT OF THE SAME DIVINE WELL-SPRING, come together and move towards the same goal.......
81 "Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under teh breath of the Holy Spirit.
"And [Holy] Tradition transmits IN ITS ENTIRETY THE WORD OF GOD......
84 The apostles entrusted the "Sacred Deposit" of the faith (the depositum fidei), CONTAINED IN SACRED SCRIPTURE AND TRADITION, to the whole of the Church. - Catholic Catechism
Thus the final authority for faith and practice for Rome is the combination of sacred scripture and apostolic oral exposition of scripture recognized as "the Deposit of faith."
Rome denies this apostolic oral tradition IS what is made permenant in the New Testament Scriptures. Instead, Rome imagines that a SEPARATE oral tradition from inspired apostolic writings that form the New Testament is transmitted in a line of succession to the end of the age through bishops. This line of transmision they define as "The Tradition."
What they fail to see is that most of the Old Testament scriptures were first orally communicated before they were put into writing. Moses gathered much of the materials for Genesis through oral traditions passed down through the fathers. Between Adam and Abraham there were three generations (Adam, Methuselah and Seth as Seth died during the days of Jacob). Yet the written scriptures REPLACED the oral traditions as final authority.
I have posted a theme on Isaiah 8:14-20 to prove that the Apostles clearly understood that they were to lay a "foundation" (Eph. 2:20) of canonical authority through their ministries by taking the oral traditions passed down to them by Christ Himself (Mt. 28:20) and thus the "doctrine of the apostles" (Acts 2:42) by being delivered once for all to them (Jude 3) who in turn delivered to the churches of Christ ultimately in written form (2 Thes. 2:13; 2 Pet. 3:15-17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17) and by the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their lives concluding in the last written revelation by the Apostle John (Rev. 1:3 with Isa. 8:16,20).
However, Rome places this IMAGINARY ORAL DEPOSIT between the completed written deposit of Scriptues and our present day through THE TRADITIONS of the Fathers as contained in the ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene records utlimately refined and defined by the Magisterium of the Church.
The problem with this theory are the following things:
1. The oral apostolic traditions also were written down as the New Testament and this is the deposit of faith along with the Old Testament deposit of faith - both sacred scripture and inspired and completed by the apostles (Isa. 8:14-20).
2. The ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, and church counsels, popes, magisterium UNLIKE the sacred inspired deposit of faith (Old and New Testaments) are UNINSPIRED and full of errors, contradictions, and disputes.
3. They have made the UNINSPIRED tradition inseparable and co-joint with the inspired sacred scriptures and ultimately the UNINSPIRED becomes the infallible authority in righty intepreting the INSPIRED men of God rather than allowing INSPIRED MEN to rightly interpret INSPIRED MEN through the Holy Spirit - thus comparing scriptuers with scriptues as the final authority for faith and practice.
4. Out of one side of their mouth they say revelation has ceased but out of the other side of their mouth they maintain that God continues to reveal Himself through tradition in an unfolding manner that needs correcting, editing and debating by the magisterium.
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