I know this first sentence will raise some hackles, but so be it ... I do not agree with abortion but Planned Parenthood also does help others in areas I approve of, like cancer screening through the Susan G. Komen foundation. Lives are saved and that is good.
Planned parenthood is like all organizations, some good aspects some bad. That is life.
Yes there are some whoabuse the system. That is true of any system. Banks abused the system and brought on disaster for many people in 2008. But we will not outlaw banks because of the abuse of some, especially some very large banks.
Helping the poor is seen as good often in the Bible, both in the OT and in the NT. We can try to ignore this, but it is always there ... and it is prominent in the Final Judgment scene in Matthew. As an aside, there is nothing about abortion in the Final Judgment. This is not a defense of abortion, just acknowledging that it is not present in the Final Judgment.
I understand your sentiment, but being a Christian involves much more than being against abortion. Abortion is an emotional issue. It is also a safe issue. It demands nothing of us other than to be against it. How many on the board who are so adamantly against abortion would be willing to adopt a baby carried to term by a single-mother who does not want to keep the baby?
How many on the board are willing to have laws passed and enforced making it mandatory for men who father such babies to support the mother and child financially? Too many men, and I believe some on this board want no responsibility imposed on them or on other man in these instances.
Other issues, like helping the sick, the poor, the prisoner may well involve us in our time, money and activities. I feel that is one reason so many people avoid the social issue of helping others. {That is very gently said.}
I am not sure that Romney is really anti-abortion. He certainly stood strongly for it when he was governor of Massachusetts. Frankly, from all the issues he has flipped on I have come to believe he is a political chameleon and has no loyalty to any idea/belief if he feels it will not help him be elected.
I do think that Ryan, because of his Catholic background, is anti-abortion.