"Talk about media bias."
You forgot one source I mentioned but am sure it is a total lie as well.
"BTW, have you read the comment sections yet?"
Meaning???????????????? what "comment sections"?
What comment sections? Oh every comment section to every article the mainstream media publishes. That's what comment sections. Try reading them. (Hint, it helps to understand what others are thinking.)
Salty says . . .
Fact # 1 It cost $30 to vote in the Iowa straw poll
Fact # 2 The Ron Paul campaign (among others) bought vote tickets for his supporters
Fact # 3 The Ron Paul campaing bussed in citizens to vote for him
Do you dispute any of the above listed facts?
I say. No I do not.
Fact # 1 Bachmann's campaign
bought 6,000 vote tickets. How many did Paul's campaign buy?
4,750. Proving what? Bachmann's campaign spent more money.
Fact # 2 Bachmann
is a "tea party" traitor.
Fact # 3 MandyM and InTheDark are totally wrong about the existence of a, oh here comes that word "conspiracy" to marginalize Ron Paul.
Do you dispute any of the above listed facts?
Here's why MandyM and InTheDark are totally wrong.
The conspirators have
“We are in the business of kicking candidates out of the race”. CNN host Howard Kurtz.
“the media doesn’t believe he has a hoot in hells chance of winning the Iowa caucuses, the Republican nomination or winning the presidency,
so we’re gonna ignore him.” Politico’s Roger Simon
It ought to be obvious by now to those who have witnessed presidential "elections" in the past that there has
always been a "conspiracy" to brainwash Americans and pick their candidates for them.
But for those who are either to young to remember or to bull headed to admit it here's a
VIDEO reminder. C'mon people even a
liberal like Jon Stewart can comprehend it.
And something else you all seem to forget from "elections" past. George W. Bush ran on a non interventionist anti nation building platform and won. Barrack Obama ran on an anti-war platform and won. (what'd we get? more war and wars bigger debt less freedom)
Ron Paul is the only one running on a non interventionist anti nation building anti war platform as he always has.
What does all this mean? Simple. Americans are sick of these unconstitutional, wasteful, needless and endless "wars" and nation building experiments and we want something different and Ron Paul is that something different.
Y'all want more wars more blood more debt more enemies to fight around the world more TSA groping and less privacy and freedom at home? Vote for a "Top Tier" candidate they'll be glad to deliver it all and more for ya.