also you try to get the focua of attention back on me so you can ramble on with your nonsense--im NOT a JH,NOT a 7thDA, IM A BAPTIST
BTW theres nothing wrong with saying the name of the Father and Son in the Hebrew in which they were given..YAH and YESHUA
You are definitely NOT a Baptist. You have been asked several times what distinguishes you as a Baptist and every time you have ignored, even when moderators asked you. You have more beliefs consistent with JWs, 7DA then you do with any Baptist of any denomination. One can not be 90% 7DA, and 10% Baptist and claim they are actually a Baptist.
And you claim that "there's nothing wrong with saying the name of the Father and Son in the Hebrew in which they were given..YAH and YESHUA" is not the position you have taken against everyone on this forum. You have not espoused that it is OK to use the name, you have INSISTED that it is MANDATORY and that's a huge difference between that, and what you just said above.
There is no problem with using those names as long as you realize they are translations and transliterations from another language, and that it is not mandatory on all believing Christians to use those terms in their original language context because no matter how you translate lthem, it will never MEAN that outside of the language that you THINK IN. If you can not THINK in Hebrew, then simply using a Hebrew will not aid your understanding because you will THINK of that term in ENGLISH.
However there is a problem with your usage of YAH as the Father. Yah is a shortened version of Yahweh (YHWH) and is used to described the Godhead, not just the Father. By claiming that ONLY the Father is YHWH you are denying that Jesus is YHWH. Yah, nor Yahweh is the Hebrew word for Father.
I would not fault you if you choose to use those terms and they are edifying to YOU. It is when you demand and impose those terms on others and assume that if they DON'T use those terms they are somehow less of a Christian and being rebellious toward some standard of Scripture that does not exist. In Revelation 7:9, there appears in heaven all who came from various nations, people and TONGUES , not all of them used the same name for God as the Hebrews or English speaking people.