Accepting and believing to get eternal salvation is a false doctrine. When we are born into this world we are born but natural beings void of the Holy Spirit. The natural man will not, and indeed, cannot accept anything of a Spiritual nature, 1 Cor 2:14, Ps 10:4 God quickens us when we are still in a condition of being spiritually dead, Eph 2:5.
You have a skewed definition of "dead."
God said to Adam: "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
Adam ate; Adam died. What else happened? Adam continued to carry on a conversation with God in his DEAD state, while being dead. This dead Adam still talked with God.
The word "dead" simply means "separated." It does not mean "lifeless," and that is where you make your mistake. Adam was not all of a sudden lifeless; no, he was separated from God. His sin had separated from God. In order for him to be reconciled back to God, God had to provide a blood sacrifice, and that He did when he made coats of skins where the first animal sacrifice was made.
Cornelius was DEAD, separated from God. But God heard his prayers, and sent Peter to him that he might here the gospel and be saved.
Lydia was DEAD, separated from God, but then God, having sent Paul to hear opened her heart to the gospel that she might be saved.
Your theological system is man-made and goes against what the Bible teaches.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
For whosoever call upon the name shall be saved.
To him give all the prophets witness that whosover shall believe on his name shall receive remission of sins.
For as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them
that believe on his name.
He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.
IOW, why would you insist in your little theological system to contradict the totality of Scripture which says the very opposite of what you say. The Bible says: "Whosever may come." You say: "Whosoever may not come."
I would rather believe the Bible.