Thirty-Six Arguments
in Favor of Unconditional Eternal Salvation
by Elder S. F. Cayce
November 1895
Elder S. F. Cayce met Elder Lee Jackson (a Campbellite) in a public
debate at Lafayette Springs, Mississippi, in November 1895. The first
proposition was: The eternal salvation of sinners, as set forth in the
Scriptures, is the work of God, independent of any conditions to be
performed by man.
In support of this proposition Elder S. F. Cayce made the following
thirty-six affirmative arguments:
1. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that none in
nature do good. Proof: Ps. xiv. 1-3; Jer. 13:23; Romans 3:12.
2. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that none
God. Proof: Rom. 3:11; Psalms 10:4.
3. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that man,
being corrupt, has to be made good before he can bear good fruit.
Matthew 7:17,18; Luke 6:43,44; Heb. 9:14.
4. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that none
come to Christ until DRAWN to him by the father. Proof: John 6:44, 45;
Psalms 65:4.
5. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
the flesh (those in an unregenerate state, not born of God) cannot
God. Proof: Rom. 8:7-9; Heb. 11:6.
6. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
natural (unregenerate) man is not suspectible of being taught spiritual
things. Proof: 1st Cor. 2:14; I. Cor. 1:23; John 8:43-47; I. John 4:6.
7. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
sinner is in a state of death, hence, not able to act in order to life.
Proof: Gen. 2:17; Gen. 3:22-24; Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1.
8. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
sinner is quickened (or made alive) by the same power and means that it
takes to resurrect those who are naturally (or corporally) dead. Proof:
John 5:21; Eph. 2:1-7; John 5:24, 25.
9. Salvation is unconditional because the change which the sinner
undergoes (in being prepared for heaven) is represented, in the Bible,
a resurrection or passing from death unto life, hence, he is passive in
that work. Proof: Col. 3:1-4; I. John 3:14; Eph. 2:1-7.
10. Salvation is unconditional because this change is represented in
Bible as a birth, therefore a work in which the sinner must be passive.
Proof: John 3:1-7; John 1:11-13.
11. Salvation is unconditional because those who do righteousness are
(already) born of God. Proof: I. John 2:29; I. John 3:7; I. Peter
12. Salvation is unconditional because the change which the child of
has undergone is represented, in the Bible, as a death, hence a work in
which he was passive. Proof: Rom. 6:2-8; Col. 2:20; I. Peter 2:24; II.
Tim. 2:11.
13. Salvation is unconditional because the change which the sinner
undergoes is represented, in the Bible, as a deliverance; hence, a work
performed by a higher power. Proof: Col. 1:13; II. Cor. 1:9,19; I.
1:10; Psalms 56:13.
14. Salvation is unconditional because the work which puts the sinner
Christ or makes him (manifestly) a child of God, is represented as the
work of God. Proof: I. Cor. 1:30; Eph. 2:10; I. Cor. 6:11; I. Cor.
15. Salvation is unconditional because the work done in making us
children of God is represented as a creative work, and because we are
then NEW creatures (not merely reformed creatures) and because, also,
this work is UNTO, hence, prior to the performing of good works. Proof:
II. Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10.
16. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that
life and all things pertaining thereto, is a gift, not something
or purchased. Proof: Romans 6:23; John 17:2; John 10:27,28; Romans
17. Salvation is unconditional because faith is represented as being a
fruit of the Spirit, therefore, not possessed by any until they have
Spirit, or have been born again. Proof: Hebrews 12:2; Gal. 5:22; I.
12: 6-9; Romans 12:3; I. Peter 1:21-23; John 6:47; I. John 5:1.
18. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that
obedience to the commands of God (properly or acceptably rendered) is
evidence of an internal work having been done by the Lord. Proof: Phil.
2:12,13; Heb. 11:6; Matt. 7:18.
19. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that it is
not of works, neither a debt, but all of grace. Proof: Titus 3:5; Eph.
2:8-10; Rom. 11:6; II. Tim. 1:9; Rom. 3:23,24; Eph. 1:7; Rom. 4:4,5.
20. Salvation is unconditional because it is the work of God and
according to His purposes. Proof: Matt. 19:16-26; Jonah 2:9; Isa.
Isa. 52:16; II. Tim. 1:9.
21. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
mission of Christ was to SAVE, not to offer, nor to try, but to SAVE
SINNERS; not those who have ceased to be sinners by complying with
etc. Proof: Matt. 1:21; Matt. 16:11; Luke 19:10; I. Tim. 1:15.
22. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God
and ever has had, but one way of saving people; whether they be
adults, idiots, heathens, learned or unlearned, in whatever age of the
world. All therefore, who are saved at all, are saved in precisely the
same way. Proof: John 6:44,45; John 14:6; Luke 18:16,17; Acts 15:11;
23. Salvation is unconditional because the church is (figuratively)
represented, in the Bible, as a building, hence the material of which
church is composed must be passive in its preparation. Proof: Proverbs
9:1; Matthew 16:18; I. Peter 2:4,5; Eph. 2:19-22; Psalms 127:1.
24. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God is
Sovereign, that He does His will, and that He, therefore, saves all
He purposes, or desire, to save. Proof: Genesis 1 (entire chapter);
Isaiah 46:9-11; Isaiah 14:26,27; Romans 8:28-39; Isaiah 55:8-11.
25. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God's
love, like Himself, is eternal and immutable, and that those saved are
embraced in His love. Proof: Jeremiah 31:3; Malachi 3:6; Galatians
Ephesians 5:25-27; John 17:22-24; I. John 3:1; Romans 9:11-16; Romans
26. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God's
love for His people, when manifested to them, produces in them love for
God, and that His love for us, is, therefore, the cause of why we love
Him. Proof: I. John 4:19.
27. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
heirs of salvation were elected thereunto before the world began.
Psalms 65:4; Romans 8:28-33; Romans 9:8-16; Ephesians 1:3-5; II.
28. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
suffered (to render satisfaction) for the sins of those for whom he
and bring them to God. Proof: Isaiah 42:4; I. Peter 3:18.
29. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
for whom Christ died are justified by his blood, and made righteous.
Proof: Romans 5:6-9; Romans 3:24; Romans 4:25; 5:15-19; Matthew 5:18;
Isaiah 53:11.
30. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
for whom Christ died are reconciled to God, by his death, and that
reconciled they SHALL BE SAVED by his life. Proof: Romans 5:8-10; II.
Cor. 6:18-21.
31. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
people for whom Christ died are designated in the Bible as his seed,
generation, his people, his portion, his sheep, etc., and that to these
eternal life is GIVEN. Proof: Isaiah 53 (entire chapter); John
27, 28; John 5:37-39; John 17:1-5.
32. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
gave his life a ransom for those for whom he died, and that he
them with his blood. Proof: Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; I. Corinthians
6:20; I. Peter 1:18,19.
33. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
who have redemption in Christ (those redeemed by him) have, also,
forgiveness of sins. Proof: Colossians 1:13; Ephesians 1:7; Matthew
34. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
gave himself to redeem the people for whom he died FROM ALL INIQUITY.
Proof: Psalms 130:8; Titus 2:14; Isaiah 53:6.
35. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
obtained ETERNAL REDEMPTION for those for whom he died. Proof: Hebrews
9:12; Hebrews 10:13,14; I. Peter 1:18,19.
36. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
redeemed the people for whom he died (all the way) to GOd. Proof:
35:8,9; Revelation 5:9... Brother Glen
[ August 19, 2002, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: tyndale1946 ]
in Favor of Unconditional Eternal Salvation
by Elder S. F. Cayce
November 1895
Elder S. F. Cayce met Elder Lee Jackson (a Campbellite) in a public
debate at Lafayette Springs, Mississippi, in November 1895. The first
proposition was: The eternal salvation of sinners, as set forth in the
Scriptures, is the work of God, independent of any conditions to be
performed by man.
In support of this proposition Elder S. F. Cayce made the following
thirty-six affirmative arguments:
1. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that none in
nature do good. Proof: Ps. xiv. 1-3; Jer. 13:23; Romans 3:12.
2. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that none
God. Proof: Rom. 3:11; Psalms 10:4.
3. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that man,
being corrupt, has to be made good before he can bear good fruit.
Matthew 7:17,18; Luke 6:43,44; Heb. 9:14.
4. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that none
come to Christ until DRAWN to him by the father. Proof: John 6:44, 45;
Psalms 65:4.
5. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
the flesh (those in an unregenerate state, not born of God) cannot
God. Proof: Rom. 8:7-9; Heb. 11:6.
6. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
natural (unregenerate) man is not suspectible of being taught spiritual
things. Proof: 1st Cor. 2:14; I. Cor. 1:23; John 8:43-47; I. John 4:6.
7. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
sinner is in a state of death, hence, not able to act in order to life.
Proof: Gen. 2:17; Gen. 3:22-24; Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1.
8. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
sinner is quickened (or made alive) by the same power and means that it
takes to resurrect those who are naturally (or corporally) dead. Proof:
John 5:21; Eph. 2:1-7; John 5:24, 25.
9. Salvation is unconditional because the change which the sinner
undergoes (in being prepared for heaven) is represented, in the Bible,
a resurrection or passing from death unto life, hence, he is passive in
that work. Proof: Col. 3:1-4; I. John 3:14; Eph. 2:1-7.
10. Salvation is unconditional because this change is represented in
Bible as a birth, therefore a work in which the sinner must be passive.
Proof: John 3:1-7; John 1:11-13.
11. Salvation is unconditional because those who do righteousness are
(already) born of God. Proof: I. John 2:29; I. John 3:7; I. Peter
12. Salvation is unconditional because the change which the child of
has undergone is represented, in the Bible, as a death, hence a work in
which he was passive. Proof: Rom. 6:2-8; Col. 2:20; I. Peter 2:24; II.
Tim. 2:11.
13. Salvation is unconditional because the change which the sinner
undergoes is represented, in the Bible, as a deliverance; hence, a work
performed by a higher power. Proof: Col. 1:13; II. Cor. 1:9,19; I.
1:10; Psalms 56:13.
14. Salvation is unconditional because the work which puts the sinner
Christ or makes him (manifestly) a child of God, is represented as the
work of God. Proof: I. Cor. 1:30; Eph. 2:10; I. Cor. 6:11; I. Cor.
15. Salvation is unconditional because the work done in making us
children of God is represented as a creative work, and because we are
then NEW creatures (not merely reformed creatures) and because, also,
this work is UNTO, hence, prior to the performing of good works. Proof:
II. Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10.
16. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that
life and all things pertaining thereto, is a gift, not something
or purchased. Proof: Romans 6:23; John 17:2; John 10:27,28; Romans
17. Salvation is unconditional because faith is represented as being a
fruit of the Spirit, therefore, not possessed by any until they have
Spirit, or have been born again. Proof: Hebrews 12:2; Gal. 5:22; I.
12: 6-9; Romans 12:3; I. Peter 1:21-23; John 6:47; I. John 5:1.
18. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that
obedience to the commands of God (properly or acceptably rendered) is
evidence of an internal work having been done by the Lord. Proof: Phil.
2:12,13; Heb. 11:6; Matt. 7:18.
19. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that it is
not of works, neither a debt, but all of grace. Proof: Titus 3:5; Eph.
2:8-10; Rom. 11:6; II. Tim. 1:9; Rom. 3:23,24; Eph. 1:7; Rom. 4:4,5.
20. Salvation is unconditional because it is the work of God and
according to His purposes. Proof: Matt. 19:16-26; Jonah 2:9; Isa.
Isa. 52:16; II. Tim. 1:9.
21. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
mission of Christ was to SAVE, not to offer, nor to try, but to SAVE
SINNERS; not those who have ceased to be sinners by complying with
etc. Proof: Matt. 1:21; Matt. 16:11; Luke 19:10; I. Tim. 1:15.
22. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God
and ever has had, but one way of saving people; whether they be
adults, idiots, heathens, learned or unlearned, in whatever age of the
world. All therefore, who are saved at all, are saved in precisely the
same way. Proof: John 6:44,45; John 14:6; Luke 18:16,17; Acts 15:11;
23. Salvation is unconditional because the church is (figuratively)
represented, in the Bible, as a building, hence the material of which
church is composed must be passive in its preparation. Proof: Proverbs
9:1; Matthew 16:18; I. Peter 2:4,5; Eph. 2:19-22; Psalms 127:1.
24. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God is
Sovereign, that He does His will, and that He, therefore, saves all
He purposes, or desire, to save. Proof: Genesis 1 (entire chapter);
Isaiah 46:9-11; Isaiah 14:26,27; Romans 8:28-39; Isaiah 55:8-11.
25. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God's
love, like Himself, is eternal and immutable, and that those saved are
embraced in His love. Proof: Jeremiah 31:3; Malachi 3:6; Galatians
Ephesians 5:25-27; John 17:22-24; I. John 3:1; Romans 9:11-16; Romans
26. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that God's
love for His people, when manifested to them, produces in them love for
God, and that His love for us, is, therefore, the cause of why we love
Him. Proof: I. John 4:19.
27. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
heirs of salvation were elected thereunto before the world began.
Psalms 65:4; Romans 8:28-33; Romans 9:8-16; Ephesians 1:3-5; II.
28. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
suffered (to render satisfaction) for the sins of those for whom he
and bring them to God. Proof: Isaiah 42:4; I. Peter 3:18.
29. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
for whom Christ died are justified by his blood, and made righteous.
Proof: Romans 5:6-9; Romans 3:24; Romans 4:25; 5:15-19; Matthew 5:18;
Isaiah 53:11.
30. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
for whom Christ died are reconciled to God, by his death, and that
reconciled they SHALL BE SAVED by his life. Proof: Romans 5:8-10; II.
Cor. 6:18-21.
31. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that the
people for whom Christ died are designated in the Bible as his seed,
generation, his people, his portion, his sheep, etc., and that to these
eternal life is GIVEN. Proof: Isaiah 53 (entire chapter); John
27, 28; John 5:37-39; John 17:1-5.
32. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
gave his life a ransom for those for whom he died, and that he
them with his blood. Proof: Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; I. Corinthians
6:20; I. Peter 1:18,19.
33. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that those
who have redemption in Christ (those redeemed by him) have, also,
forgiveness of sins. Proof: Colossians 1:13; Ephesians 1:7; Matthew
34. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
gave himself to redeem the people for whom he died FROM ALL INIQUITY.
Proof: Psalms 130:8; Titus 2:14; Isaiah 53:6.
35. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
obtained ETERNAL REDEMPTION for those for whom he died. Proof: Hebrews
9:12; Hebrews 10:13,14; I. Peter 1:18,19.
36. Salvation is unconditional because the Scriptures teach that Christ
redeemed the people for whom he died (all the way) to GOd. Proof:
35:8,9; Revelation 5:9... Brother Glen

[ August 19, 2002, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: tyndale1946 ]