So unless they felt something, they couldn't claim to be Christians? Oh great!
You got one thing right, 1800's, late 1800's was when Liberalism crept into the Church of God, from the Reformation until the late 1800's, the norm was Reformed, Pres, Baptist, Most Methodists, we also got out of this liberal movement, it's genesis from German Higher Criticism. This Higher Criticism hit everything from reliability of Scripture, did Christ really rise, pretty much whatever you could think of, the Devil was working overtime and it paid off, from it, and Spurgeon watched it, if scripture isn't accurate, hey if John wasn't written until 185, we can't take every word literally, so MASSIVE amounts of Churches turned Arminian, Spurgeon called it the "Downgrade", from it we got Pentecostalism, Open Theology, so many heresies. It's amazing listening to say Pink or Tozer, they'd comment CONSTANTLY how the Church is lost, how it's become so liberal and WE CAN'T IMAGINE THE FUTURE, well we see it, we're here, they thought it was bad then, early 1900's, they'd freak if they saw how it is today, doctrines of men, ignorance of scripture, ignoring texts of God speaking about how He works in the world, I believe American has ALREADY been judged, I was shocked to find out some like Sproul and Dr. White who agree with me, or me with them I should say.
Think about it, Christianity is dead in Europe, in America we have such a strong tradition that many are "Christian", you know they are "Good", go to Church, but have never met the savior. When I see the Gay Rainbow over the White house, I see a nation already turned over, we celebrate degeneration, and criticize the truth. Romans 1 turned over, "nor did they give Him glory, so He turned them over to the lusts of the flesh"
We need Reformed Revival, we see that everywhere, young Christians who are rock ribbed Reformed, it's like God is separating the Wheat from the Tares, a divide right down the middle, so where is Faith found? I know every generation thinks this way, but I really believe the Lord is on His way, has there ever been a time where God's word has so little attention? Heresy presented as Christianity on a regular basis, I just think He's on His way.
Off topic, I think alter calls are the biggest joke ever, where, may I ask, in scripture is a alter call? Where do the Apostles say "Do you want to give you life to Jesus"? They didn't, this is what they said "Repent and Believe", the command, you don't invite people to a King, yes you should tell people to repent, and believe on the Lord Jesus, and if you do you will be saved, but that's not what happens, they give this emotional services, I remember when I went to Calvary a pastor, Raul Reece, he got more "converts" than anyone, how? He'd scare the Hell out of you, he'd just talk about Hell, then do a alter call, and sure enough magic everyone giving their lives to the Lord....for the night.
I think what Spurgeon did was about right, "If you feel you want to be a disciple, if you wish to repent and believe, you can come and talk with me, but not until tomorrow", for he realized that many get emotional, and there is NOTHING WORSE than false conversions, they go forward, sign a card, get a bible, are told they are saved, and that's it, we see them everywhere, on this forum, they've never denied themselves. Repentance and faith is AFTER Regeneration, God, remember His promise right "I'LL" and in HE WILL DO IT, "I WILL take out their heart of stone, and put in a heart of flesh", oh how can man think they are the ones coming to the King? Accepting the King? There has never been a man who desired to be saved who was denied, those who are not elect have no desire for God, but they can be manipulated into a free pass out of Hell, happens every night!
I agree with my friends, Edwards "Religious Affections" is perfect, our Spirit is dead, not sick, but DEAD, when God regenerates us, and only then, can we first understand the things of Scripture, and two have God honoring affections. A Thug can, if presented the gospel right, feelings for Christ, this means nothing, eloquent speech, get the person to see how wonderful this man was, grab him while he's emotional, and put another crown on your head. No! We have affections for the glory of God, for the "Beauty of the Lord", but to suggest feelings are the qualification is simply un-biblical, have they never read the Psalms?
America has MANY professing Christians, but very few regenerate Christians. One of the things I love so much in God's plan of salvation, and the thing Arminians hate, is that God gets 100% of the Glory, 100% of the credit, Reformed Christians know there is nothing special in us that led to our salvation, while the Arminian robs God of glory, that's the MAIN reason I hate Arminianism, for if you think about it, if it's man's free will choice, then the Arminian either has to be 1. Smarter then the brother who rejects the gospel. 2. Better morally. 3. In the right place at the right time, preached to and that emotion came out, there is no escaping this, and no one has an answer for it, for the Arminian, the deciding fact is not God, God can be frustrated in their scheme and N

NE COMES TO HIM, and Christ die in vain, for since it's ultimately depends on man, then they take some glory, so maybe 10% man, 90% God, is that right? I mean you're smarter than your neighbor right? Or are you morally better? Right place, right time? So Chance?
The Synod of Dort got it right, Arminianism is a quasi Roman Catholic Heresy, and it's very dangerous