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Sample form to apply for religious exemption from covid vax

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Two Wings

Well-Known Member
That said, I am absolutely not opposed to Christiabs declining the vaccination because they don't belueve it works, believe it is unhealthy, etc. But to call that a religious belief is unChristian behavior and the World sees this.

would it be ok with you if a disciple of Jesus Christ declined because they received from the Holy Spirit ... reject the cv jab.

I mean ... an outright writing on the wall ... burning bush ... aural reception just like Ezekiel heared "son of man..."

what about having sought direction while struggling with fear of what was presented early in this pestilence event ... then ... because of the faithfulness of a certain pastor ... was led to Luke 4 ... culminating in verse 30 during a Kalyfornia lockdown morning at the base of Mt San Jacinto outside palm Springs?

"... and then He passed through their midst and He went on His way."

you can't receive all of this from me reading this text. But I'm telling you this was as real as any direction I'd been given in my life. You can also know, given the threat to my God-given livlihood, I have been in fervent prayer (not quite blood sweats) asking for permission to "drink poison and not be injured" Mark 12 ... with some such clear directive.

It'd be easier to have faith I won't be dying from the jab than the provision to maintain my material status in the world.

instead ... I've been given that this is actually a big ol blessing ... getting weaned from the things of the world and relying upon HIM for my provision rather than myself and what man thinks I need to do.

... and yet my struggle is not against flesh & blood, but the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

I know who the enemy IS.

I also know "what time it is." Time to get my house in order before the shaking begins --- VERY soon. To live is Christ to die is gain,

I surrender all.


would it be ok with you if a disciple of Jesus Christ declined because they received from the Holy Spirit ... reject the cv jab.

I mean ... an outright writing on the wall ... burning bush ... aural reception just like Ezekiel heared "son of man..."

what about having sought direction while struggling with fear of what was presented early in this pestilence event ... then ... because of the faithfulness of a certain pastor ... was led to Luke 4 ... culminating in verse 30 during a Kalyfornia lockdown morning at the base of Mt San Jacinto outside palm Springs?

"... and then He passed through their midst and He went on His way."

you can't receive all of this from me reading this text. But I'm telling you this was as real as any direction I'd been given in my life. You can also know, given the threat to my God-given livlihood, I have been in fervent prayer (not quite blood sweats) asking for permission to "drink poison and not be injured" Mark 12 ... with some such clear directive.

It'd be easier to have faith I won't be dying from the jab than the provision to maintain my material status in the world.

instead ... I've been given that this is actually a big ol blessing ... getting weaned from the things of the world and relying upon HIM for my provision rather than myself and what man thinks I need to do.

... and yet my struggle is not against flesh & blood, but the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

I know who the enemy IS.

I also know "what time it is." Time to get my house in order before the shaking begins --- VERY soon. To live is Christ to die is gain,

I surrender all.
No. The reason is our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

A kingdom divided cannot stand. God has saved Christians by providing not only the covid vaccines but also other medical advancements. I believe this is for a purpose (to do Kingdom work).

God is a God of means and not of chaos. Given the misinformation that Christians have posted regarding vaccinations (not known risks but things that have been disproven) I cannot see that the Holy Spirit is the Sourse. In tge end we would be relying g on the discernment of Christians who have already been shown to lack discernment.

And religious exemption is a secular exemption (it does not apply to any particular faith).

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
I cannot see that the Holy Spirit is the Sourse

well, He is.

Paul and Barnabas.

Jacob and his deception

to name a couple. Just because you have "jabbed" doesn't mean your answer in drinking the poison and not being injured means, for unity or whatever, that all must do as you have done.

I've never suggested all must do as I've been commanded. I must do as I've been commanded and I know what I was given and by whom. I know His voice. And I know He is faithful.

I have left a "steady job" in the USAF, married bambino ... and one enroute ... to be homeless, jobless. To a man ... a ridiculous and reckless notion.

At least right now ... it seems my time with this outfit is closing.
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well, it is.

Paul and Barnabas.

Jacob and his deception

to name a couple. Just because you have "jabbed" doesn't mean your answer in drinking the poison and not being injured means, for unity or whatever, that all must do as you have done.

I've never suggested all must do as I've been commanded. I must do as I've been commanded and I know what I was given and by whom. I know His voice. And I know He is faithful.

I have left a "steady job" in the USAF, married bambino ... and one enroute ... to be homeless, jobless. To a man ... a ridiculous and reckless notion.

At least right now ... it seems my time with this outfit is closing.
I was guided by the Holy Spirit to take the vaccine, comforted that God is in control and provides. This was reinforced through reading the Word and how God has used worldly rulers to provide for His children.

Others are afraid of vaccinations. Some just of the covud vaccination.

Either is fine.

But Christians are to live by their convictions regardless of consequences.

Religious exemptions are simply not designed to exempt people based on personal convictions.

And Christians who do get vaccinated yet claim a religious exemption for this one vaccine are using their faith as a tool to try to get what they desire, and they are a poor witness.

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
And Christians who do get vaccinated yet claim a religious exemption for this one vaccine are using their faith as a tool to try to get what they desire, and they are a poor witness.

you're simply bound in your own understanding and failing to discern yourself. Are you completely wrong in every example? I won't say that, but I will say you are failing to allow that a legitimate exemption can be made to this mRNA vaccine candidate.

Just because other vaxes have been taken by a given individual doesn't validate THIS one.

This isn't a "many ways to heaven" deal, either.

God is sovereign in all ... having His progress through both demonstrates this.

Filing a religious exemption as the law allows ... and for which there was a heavy price in blood paid to have ... does NOT diminish anyone's witness. You disagree with it ... quite staunchly.

Doesn't make your declaration accurate.


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Site Supporter
quite a bold statement, JonC.

do you also know the heart of another man?

pretty sure there's another JC who can know this ... my guess is, He's not you, good sir.

he knows everything including everyone els heart. But of course no one can know his and in his world he never said the very thing that he said and what everyone read he said.


Well-Known Member
Another thing many may not realize is co.psnies do not have to entertain religious exemptions. There is a portion that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says gives the right to an employer to deny a religious exemption for what's called "undue hardship."
The vaccine would not fall under that provision. At least not the spirit of the provision.


Well-Known Member
"In this context, there are some distinct challenges because many of the people who are filing religious exemption requests have never refused vaccines before. This is the only vaccine they object to, and, the nature of their objection isn't truly religious. It's more of a personal belief exemption that they are trying to shoehorn into the religious exemption channel,”....."It does require that you articulate an argument that is religious in nature and not more generally about your personal beliefs"
This assumes this is the same as other vaccines, it is not.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
I was guided by the Holy Spirit to take the vaccine, comforted that God is in control and provides. This was reinforced through reading the Word and how God has used worldly rulers to provide for His children.

Others are afraid of vaccinations. Some just of the covud vaccination.

Either is fine.

But Christians are to live by their convictions regardless of consequences.

Religious exemptions are simply not designed to exempt people based on personal convictions.

And Christians who do get vaccinated yet claim a religious exemption for this one vaccine are using their faith as a tool to try to get what they desire, and they are a poor witness.

You don’t know this about people. You don’t like their view nor do you believe in freedom of speech do you try to demonize any view that is not your own. Your selfish motive is itself a poor witness and unchristian.


you're simply bound in your own understanding and failing to discern yourself. Are you completely wrong in every example? I won't say that, but I will say you are failing to allow that a legitimate exemption can be made to this mRNA vaccine candidate.

Just because other vaxes have been taken by a given individual doesn't validate THIS one.

This isn't a "many ways to heaven" deal, either.

God is sovereign in all ... having His progress through both demonstrates this.

Filing a religious exemption as the law allows ... and for which there was a heavy price in blood paid to have ... does NOT diminish anyone's witness. You disagree with it ... quite staunchly.

Doesn't make your declaration accurate.
I do disagree.

When we use religion to mean our connections, our desires, our fears, etc. we are taking God out of the picture.

I am thankful that God has provided an effective vaccination. I am thankful tor the conviction and comfort of the Holy Spirit, and His guidance.

I know you are not questioning this, but you need to understand that I am also not questioning the convictions of other people.

I am saying that our convictions, even the guidance of the Spirit, do not constitute the requirement for religious exemption.

If a Christian is afraid of the vacvine, worried that it may do him harm, then he should stick to the dictates of his conscious. Maybe God is leading him to refrain from the shot. Perhaps he would have an allergic reaction. That is between him and God.

For me, after quite a bit of prayer, God led me to the decision to get tge vaccination. But that is between me and God.

To declare religious exemption when it is really personal conviction is trampling the cross and making Christ common to an onlooking world.

Follow your conviction and accept the consequences as I follow mine and accept the consequences.

But people need to stop playing games with God.

Two Wings

Well-Known Member
Follow your conviction and accept the consequences as I follow mine and accept the consequences.

do you claim your donations to the Church as a tax deduction?

it's lawful.

seems like your not paying your fair share, though, in exploiting what God has told you to give ... to reduce your rendrance to Caesar.


You don’t know this about people. You don’t like their view nor do you believe in freedom of speech do you try to demonize any view that is not your own. Your selfish motive is itself a poor witness and unchristian.
This is a complete misunderstanding.

I do not care what others believe concerning any vaccination. To each his own.

I can tell you that after a lot of prayer concerning the vaccination God led me to be vaccinated and co.forted me in that decision. I am sure you believe I chose correctly as we do not encourage disobedience to God.

I am also content that others may have been led to reject the vaccination. I doubt that is true of many here simply because of the misinformation they have posted, but I grant it may also be true of many.

Follow your conscious. If you are ked to reject the vaccination then do so.

But this does not constitute a legitimate reason for religious exemption.

I am for free speech. I have never advocated the government suppress speech. I am also in favor of responsibility for one's speech (I think we disagree on that part)


do you claim your donations to the Church as a tax deduction?

it's lawful.

seems like your not paying your fair share, though, in exploiting what God has told you to give ... to reduce your rendrance to Caesar.
No. I do not claim my offerings on my taxes.

What do you mean I am exploiting what Hod has told me to give to reduce my rendering to Caesar?


I believe you are about to learn this wasn't from God ...

another statement you continually repeat. that signature thing of yours.
No, God does not lie. He led me to be vaccinated and this opened up opportunities to do kingdom work in my area that would have otherwise been closed. God is glorified.

I hope the rejectors are also living by their conscious and that somehow they will glorify God in obedience as well.

God is sovereign, and will be glorified through the faithful regardless of their decisions about any vaccine.

I just disagree that those who use Christianity as a tool to try and avoid consequences of their decision are being faithfil. I believe the opposite is true and they are poor witnesses.
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