That said, I am absolutely not opposed to Christiabs declining the vaccination because they don't belueve it works, believe it is unhealthy, etc. But to call that a religious belief is unChristian behavior and the World sees this.
would it be ok with you if a disciple of Jesus Christ declined because they received from the Holy Spirit ... reject the cv jab.
I mean ... an outright writing on the wall ... burning bush ... aural reception just like Ezekiel heared "son of man..."
what about having sought direction while struggling with fear of what was presented early in this pestilence event ... then ... because of the faithfulness of a certain pastor ... was led to Luke 4 ... culminating in verse 30 during a Kalyfornia lockdown morning at the base of Mt San Jacinto outside palm Springs?
"... and then He passed through their midst and He went on His way."
you can't receive all of this from me reading this text. But I'm telling you this was as real as any direction I'd been given in my life. You can also know, given the threat to my God-given livlihood, I have been in fervent prayer (not quite blood sweats) asking for permission to "drink poison and not be injured" Mark 12 ... with some such clear directive.
It'd be easier to have faith I won't be dying from the jab than the provision to maintain my material status in the world.
instead ... I've been given that this is actually a big ol blessing ... getting weaned from the things of the world and relying upon HIM for my provision rather than myself and what man thinks I need to do.
... and yet my struggle is not against flesh & blood, but the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
I know who the enemy IS.
I also know "what time it is." Time to get my house in order before the shaking begins --- VERY soon. To live is Christ to die is gain,
I surrender all.