Well, thanks for the option. I choose "not." What did you DO, anyway, as you perceived whatever this was? Stop and stare? Keep moving? Get out your BB gun? Take photos? What were your frames of reference to make your estimates about it distance and speed?
Well, maybe I could make a living writing fiction!
You don't have to do much when you look out your window and see this large cylinder flying right beside you. The first thing I did was roll down my window to see if I could hear it, but all I could hear was the natural wind sound when you are going 65-70 MPH on the highway. I was on a long straightway, so it wasn't hard to stay on the road, but I did have to look back and forth to make sure I didn't go off the road.
This object was going slightly faster than me, so as it got ahead of me I looked at it through the windshield.
The total viewing time was probably a minute, maybe a little longer. It was easy to see as there was a bright full moon that partially illiminated this object, although I could not tell the color. It appeared dark grey like the drawing I made. It was actually much closer than my drawing, as I could look into the portholes.
It was an extremely simple object, just this long cylinder with portholes with light shining out. It's simplicity actually made it more strange and a little frightening.
It is AFTER you see an object like this that it bothers you, you wonder WHY this object appeared to you. You would have to see one to understand.
This might be a fascinating story, but I would tell anybody you are better off if you never see one. They are disturbing.
I firmly believe these are demons who can take on physical reality and appear to be spaceships to deceive people. They are evil.