You assume all Baptists were Calvinists to begin with. Non-Cal or Arminian Baptists go all the way back to Thomas Helwys and John Smyth. John Smyth is often credited with starting the first "Baptist" church, and he was not Calvinistic.
Winman, you did not read what you are responding to very well at all.
Reread it, please. I said the SBC was LARGELY Calvinistic in her moorings.
No one disputes that.
So "non-calvinists" did UNreform the SBC at some point to get us to the place where the SBC majority is "non-calvinistic".
I could agree with this, but this is not what is happening. Non-Cal churches have complained for years of Calvinists "sneaking" into their churches and then attempting to force their views on a non-Cal congregation. You almost NEVER hear of an non-Cal pastor doing this.
Show me any examples of a Calvinist church complaining of an non-Cal pastor infiltrating their church and trying to "reform" them.
And who determines that, you?
Do you dispute that churches should grow and the Kingdom should expand by means of preaching, teaching, singing and praying?
I don't have a problem with Calvinists building churches, but don't infiltrate a church that is known to be non-Cal and attempt to reform them.
Why not?
If the church votes you in to be their pastor and teacher, why should you not teach the Word of God the way you understand it?
I said that both Calvinists and Arminians should be forthright when they take churches.
If the church has a particular soteriological viewpoint that they do not wish to be challenged, they simply ask the trial pastor what perspective he will promote. If he is forthright then he absolutely SHOULD promote what he said he would promote.
If the church, like the denomination, does not take a stand one way or the other and they hire a man because he is a gifted preacher and chuch builder then he has done nothing wrong by building that church the way he understands the Scripture to command it to be built.
Dr. Adrian Rogers took a Calvinistic church in Belvue and UNreformed it. I don't have a problem with it. I love and respect both Belvue and Dr. Rogers greatly. As long as he is exalting the King and expanding the Kingdom- great. But make no mistake, the great Dr. R. G. Lee who pastored directly before him was a Calvinist and taught the people the Doctrines of Grace while there.
This happens on both sides and which ever side is doing the best job winning souls, building churches, exalting the King and expanding the Kingdom SHOULD do so.
These pastors have every right to make a stand. What is unacceptable is Cal pastors applying for a pastorate at a non-Cal church and not telling them he is a Calvinist, and then later introducing Calvinism to that congregation.
This is not thought through very well, in my opinion. I have said repeatedly that both Calvinists and non-calvinists should be forthright.
But MOST SBC churches follow suit with the official position of the SBC denomination- which is that they do not have an official position.
Most churches hire pastors based on their God-giftedness to preach and build churches.
And that's how they SHOULD hire pastors.
That's how Belvue hired "non-cal" Dr. Rogers after being led for many years by thoroughly Calvinistic Dr. R. G. Lee.
The current pastor of the great First Baptist in Dallas is not a Calvinist. But the might man of God, Dr. W. A. Criswell who led the church to become the largest protestant church in the world at one point was absolutely a Calvinist.
Should the pastor who followed Dr. Criswell have said- "Look, before you hire me I want you to know that I intend to TOTALLY undermine Dr. Criswell's soteriological teaching?"
I honestly don't think so. The church asks, "Do you ascribe to the Baptist Faith and Message?" The pastor says, "Absolutely."
That's that.
If Calvinism is so great, why don't they proudly tell the church they are a Calvinist when they apply for the job? This "stealth" tactic is very un-Christian like. It is deception.
Non-calvinsts are not going around saying, "Hey, I am proudly opposed to the soteriological teachings that this denomination was largely founded upon. I am thoroughly against the doctrines of the Reformation and great Baptists like Charles Spurgeon. I just wanted you to know, before you hired me."
...nor SHOULD they.
You are correct they are trying to stem the rising tide of Calvinism, but they do not consider your doctrine correct or scriptural.
Then build churches that believe what you believe.
But asking the denomination and the churches of the denomination to totally undermine nearly two centuries of policy of not disallowing either viewpoint is reckless and idiotic.
They have. What they are complaining about is Calvinists sneaking into their churches and trying to take it away from them. Start your own churches.
If "non-cals" had adopted that policy and abode by it for the past 100 years the SBC would to this day still be largely reformed in their soteriology.