As typical, your whole argument is dependent on avoiding transparency that allows for informed decisions.
How is investigating the local assembly's statements of faith, and other founding documents that were established at the formation of that assembly, and then having a canidate sift through every item in seeking agreement of disagreement AVOIDING TRANSPARENCY?
Your statement is totally inaccurate with what I posted.
It is laced with excuses that it wouldn’t be practical to bring light on such issues and is defended by such notions that the doctrinal statements of the church are rarely understood anyway by the unaware and there is a reason for that it is because those statements often have discreet Calvinist implications within them to begin with.
An assembly gathers around a basic core of doctrinal beliefs labeled the statement of faith, articles of faith, or some such. It is the part of the foundational system of documents in which the assembly is supposed to be adhered to and find unity. Those foundational documents serve as the assembly's views of what the Scriptures support and they have placed as priority in faith and fellowship.
You apparently would discard these documents as unimportant, and no longer authoritative. If that is the case, then the local assembly should review the documents for needed revision. Until then, the documents are the final authority over the fellowship of that assembly. It is denial of a statement contained in the statement of faith and constitution that allow for the legal separation of a member from the assembly.
You seem to think that is it the way things should managed…well! Of course you do! Would it cause disagreement if these things were brought to light? You bet it would! This all goes to prove my point that the Calvinist is lying in wait and waiting to prey on the unsuspecting and have been for some time.
On the contrary, it is the historical case that most church members have no understanding nor do they even occasionally read what they have agreed holds the assembled in unity. It is not me or some view of mine that prevents or covers, it is those who don't want to adhere to the founding assembly documents.
If those documents are non-cal, then the folks need to recognize that a cal pastor is not going to agree to the foundational assemblies statement of faith. That needs to be brought up in the pulpit committee meetings and sorted through. A cal pastor has no business being the pastor of a church that has as a statement of faith a non-cal position, just as a non-cal has no business being the pastor of a cal church.
The Statement of faith (articles of faith) are THE documents of unity for the local assembly of believers.
Your argument goes to show the fear behind being exposed and toward the results that transparency would bring because you know the results would weigh heavily in favor of your doctrines being rejected. You claim you just want unity where there is none if the truth be known.
How am I displaying any fear of exposure and denying transparency with my post?
Rather, just the opposite.
If a non-cal pastor cannot agree with the foundational documents in which the assembly is built then frankly that person doesn't have any measure of membership qualifications.
The same would be for the cal pastor.
If there is not agreement upon the document that unifies the assembly, the pastor should not be allowed membership. That goes with any other person who comes for church membership, too.
THAT is transparency.
I don't know what you call what your view would be--- non-transparency?
The articles of Affirmation and denial are threat to the Calvinist ways. Again, Yes, it is clear, “The Calvinist are fully aware that many are unaware…” And, now you will try to resort to convincing others that what the congregation doesn’t know won’t hurt them, but if they do know it will? I’m not buying it.
I'm sorry, but you are just not making sense.
What they don't know does hurt them, for they do not know what they are unified - what agreement that they have gathered with what Scriptural applications to the set of agreements. THAT is the total point of the post I made.
It is obvious that you don't support churches looking at their original statements of faith (articles of faith) and doctrinal documents. So, you would view that a pastor that is called to a church could in fact come and preach in opposing doctrine to those documents and it be called righteous?
I don’t buy the reasoning of others that conclude they are better equipped to make decisions on these types of issues for me while I am left uninformed. And you want to argue about who it is that is trying to operate on deceit?! While you worry about the results of uncovvering what is in those draws. Comical…here’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is Calvinist! Let the Articles of Affirmation and Denial reveal where you truly stand on such issues in front of all to see!
What is so very comical is that YOU would place some fanciful "articles of affirmation" above the local assemblies original foundational documents.
So much for the SBC proclaiming that they have no authority over the local assemblies. That is so laughable because it is just this (articles of affirmation) that shows the lies behind such "autonomous" statements.
Yeah, I can see how your reasoning that these things are better left stuffed in the closet would work for you. But, I, a non-Calvinist have no fear about peaking in there to see what we can find and letting everybody else see it too…imagine that! I would rather the truth be known! I’m not opposed to the result of disunity coming about based on informed decisions and transparency, you know why? Because it is based on truth.
What did I state needed left "stuffed in the closet?" The foundational documents of the local assembly?
Just in case you missed it, I will repeat.
IF the founding documents are NON-Cal, then every candidate for the pastorate must be NON-Cal, and that goes for all members of that assembly. That or the assembly must meet together and change their foundational documents.
IF the founding documents are Cal, then every candidate for the pastorate must be Cal, and that goes for all members of that assembly. That or the assembly must meet together and change their foundational documents.
It is the foundational documents in which the assembly is formed and held together. It is in violation of those documents in which someone is legally separated from the congregation.
Nearly ALL older Baptist congregational statements of faith, articles of faith, and other such documents ARE Calvinistic.
IT IS the non-cal teaching and preaching that was sneaky and deceitful in the last 50 or more years.
FOR TRUE TRANSPARENCY the local assembly must start with what they
really hold as foundational views in every area and those are in the foundational documents of the local assembly.
If a preacher is in agreement with those foundational views - that is transparency.
By opposing this view what you want is something other.