There are far more RCC than baptists in leadership positions in America. More that are judges, lawyers, congress members, members of the media, ...
The RCC is just evil. From the early days it has been a haven for perverts. It has taken the life and lively hood from believers and followers of Scriptures. It remains filled will excess and lies.
If someone is truly redeemed and knowledgable about Scripture principles, they will withdraw from fellowship and strongly proclaim against the RCC.
The RCC is nothing but a pimp for all matters of self indulgence.
Catholic majority in the Supreme Court (anti-abortion) but certainly not in the Congress. There has been only one Catholic President and two Catholic Vice-Presidents. including Mike Pence a self-described Evangelical Catholic.
According to the Pew Research Center, Catholics represent 30.5% of the United States Congress as of January 2019. There are 141 Representatives and 22 Senators that are Catholic, which split as 99 Democrats and 64 Republicans.
Supreme Court
In the early 1980s, there was one Catholic justice. This changed in the mid 1980s when President Ronald Reagan nominated Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy to the court, both Catholic. The first President Bush nominated Clarence Thomas (a Catholic who at the time of his appointment was attending Episcopalian services, though he has since become an active Catholic) along with David Souter, an Episcopalian. The second President George W. Bush appointed John Roberts and Samuel Alito, both Catholics. President Barack Obama appointed Catholic Sonia Sotomayor. For the seven years beginning with the 2009 appointment of Sotomayor and ending with the 2016 death of Scalia, the Supreme Court had a Catholic majority of five justices, including Chief Justice Roberts.
Your facts???