I agree we have to stand against racism.
Not really.
There is practically no meaningfull racism on the part of white believers, or non-believers at this point....
what "racism" is this that you speak of????
The five people on storm-front??
The 25 total folks who are still members of the KKK?
White racism isn't a real thing in this country, as soon as you people get that, everything will be fine.
Whites have neither the time, energy, nor inclination to care about melatonin count in inhabitants of this country.
We're just trying to not get imprisoned for insufficiently paying our taxes, while simultaneously almost sole-handedly populating the U.S. Marine Corps.
That we call for justice in wrongdoing.
What "wrongdoing"?
The alleged wrongdoing of a few cops somewhere in Minnessotta?
The cops who have already been fired, charged with crimes and officially investigated?
What do you want? a lynching without due-process??
The allegedly guilty party has already been arrested and charged.
He will face a prosecution in court.
Why don't you walk away with that and do something meaningful?
If you challenged people on concrete steps against racism, in a respectful manner,
In a country of well over 350 million people....there's a few racists.
Not many....a negligible amount.
This country is the most accepting, non-racist, and fair-minded nation in the HISTORY of planet Earth.
It's not "perfect"....
But, have you ever gone to Japan?
Have you been a white person in a Japanese company head-quarters and seen an opulently made stairwell which has a sign reading:
"for 'Japanese' only....all non-Japanese take the other stairs"?
No, you haven't, because you have no idea how insanely racist the rest of planet Earth is, and cannot appreciate how true it is that the
United States of America is comparatively, the most accepting and non-racist Nation in the entire history of the world....
your cause would at least make sense to me as an independent.
Independents are the people who know and believe absolutely nothing...and can't figure out the fundamental difference between right and wrong.