I am not looking for agreement or disagreement. While I agree that the SBC has been declining in membership, the comment itself is reflective of a misunderstanding of the issue.
When I say that the SBC was better off, I mean that the SBC was more Christ-like after they fired those in question. Now they have, IMHO, gone the same way as those who were dismissed (even if for different reasons), It was, as you say, a "power grab", but only in that two very different ideologies were struggling for control. It was only inevitable that one would prevail. But that is the past (and, unfortunately, the SBC is not what it was back then).
Look at it through the political lens. Do you believe that a person can be a Christian and support the Democrat platform? Scripture says "no", but what does your heart tell you? That's how things played out back then. There was a group of liberals striving to control the SBC, but the majority of churches were still striving for a biblical basis (based on what they believed to be the inerrant Word...literally). There were many issues and many ways this took shape, but ultimately the dispute was that simple.