Wow. Sour grapes abound, eh ?
First of all, I never called anyone a baby-killer. Second, he never posed completely nude. We have all seen more of Mark spitz than we have Scott Brown.. Third, celebrate ? Yer darn-tootin'!!!! This is death to the marxist hostile takeover of my beloved country. This is death to health care reform, cap & trade, illegal immigration amnesty, and regulatory plans, as they all stand right now.
Join with me for a day of thanks, and then tomorrow, we hold Senator Brown's feet to the fire.
Added....anytime we see Kieth Olbermoron's face stretched as long as it was last nite, it is reason to be a little gracious. And Kieth seems to think Brown IS anti abortion, and a supporter of traditional marriage.....
"In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees. In any other time in our history, this man would have been laughed off the stage as an unqualified and a disaster in the making by the most conservative of conservatives. Instead, the commonwealth of Massachusetts is close to sending this bad joke to the Senate of the United States."
The afforementioned K.O.