Isn't it ironic that "scripture" is used to make a claim. Shouldn't a mere assertion carry the same weight and authority?
Scripture does carry that weight and authority. No one is denying that!
@Iconoclast 's argument is that God's gift of Scripture is GREATER than God's gift of His Son. That is the issue.
But Scripture is not a greater gift to humanity than is God's love in giving of Himself and sending His Son.
I'll ask you as well -
We know that in the first century there were Gentiles saved by Paul's preaching of the Gospel (Paul did not, as
@Iconoclast claimed, have to witness by first establishing Scripture as true, as God's Word). Paul preached Christ and Christ crucified. Likewise, in the Old Testament Scripture was not always there. God certainly has used Scripture. And God used prophets, visions, and the fullest revelation of Himself to mankind - His Son. No one is downplaying the role of Scripture.
Do you believe that God's gift of Scripture to mankind is
greater than God loving us by giving of Himself, by sending His Son?
We are not talking "necessary" but "greater".
Scripture is necessary (that is why God has given it to us.
BUT so is the work of the Spirit guiding and explaining to us Scripture (the lost cannot understand that which is spiritual).
So even here God is greater than Scripture because without the work of God in the lives of believers humanity could not grasp the spiritual truths of Scripture.