I was not and never have been a fan of a MLK holiday and live in that last state (AZ) to make it one which only happened under the pressure of the NFL boycotting our state. For one, I simply thought there was too much hoopla being made out of him and I had heard he was no angel in private life. Also, I just didn’t think he stood out that much as deserving a holiday named after him and thought the motives were merely political. Only 2 men in our history have the honor of a paid national holiday named after them, Washington and Columbus and I don't think MLK raises to that level. Although, I did like the idea of another paid holiday and was not opposed to calling it a Civil or Human Rights Day and did see MLK as somewhat championing that cause.
That said, I have little doubt that there is a lot of twisting of the contents of tapes going on for political purposes and publicity, consider the sources. I can’t help but to wonder what the definition of these “40 affairs” are and although I can believe MLK was flirtatious and inappropriate, especially by today’s Me-Too standards I suspect the number is being hyper-inflated and unprovable as an absolute fact. I also believe the “laughing as his friend raped a parishioner” is probably a politically twisted account and the thing about all these politically motivated certainly hyped up claims is that MLK is not here to defend himself against it …and as per the example of the Russian Collusion Investigation we should all know what these sources are capable of.
Lastly, I don’t think MLK was any angel by any means but I hope those that are questioning MLK’s salvation for adultery aren’t suggesting a works based salvation or trying to draw the line one cannot pass according to their pet peeve sins. King David and his son Solomon would probably disagree with such a judgment.