Greetings Darrell C,
I do not like the term “antagonist”, as I would prefer to discuss and resolve any differences based upon the Word of God. So I am not sure what you would require here.
Thanks for the reply Trevor, you are the first serious responder to this on a number of forums it has gone out to.
"Antagonist" isn't something negative, it just represents two of different opinion.
It is simple enough as far as what I am trying to do, which is do a book project on forum missions, in hopes of bringing people into this vast field of witness with a more direct focus on evangelization (as opposed to more of a social focus where we tend to stay on one forum). It will be doctrinal, of course, but also will seek to help people learn how to, for themselves, study Scripture. It also has in view our conduct and how we can learn from our, ahem, antagonists (lol). We learn at an accelerated rate when the views we currently hold are challenged by other Bible Students.
Where would the “debate” be conducted? Are you suggesting a formal debate, or simply an interaction on a particular subject, say on this forum?
The debates and discussion can take place here, I simply have to have permission (due to Copyright Laws) to use the debates in the project. If you prefer to be anonymous that is okay, your member name can be changed.
As far as formal, it is up to you, as we all have different styles of posting.
I hold a different position to you on some of the above:
1. I believe that having been saved by a belief of the gospel and baptism, that then we can fall away and lose our salvation.
And this is a favorite subject of mine. I hold to Eternal Security and usually this discussion involves looking at the proof-texts of those that endorse loss of salvation (i.e., Hebrews 6:4-6, 10:26, etc.).
2. We may have some common ground on this topic as I believe in pre-millenialism, but most probably we have a different view of the sequence and the result. I believe in the Kingdom of God upon the earth for 1000 years, with Christ reigning in literal Jerusalem over the restored nation of Israel and the subdued nations Isaiah 2:1-4, Daniel 2:44, Zechariah 14. I do not believe in the “rapture” as popularly held.
A great topic which holds more impact on our soteriology than most recognize.
3. I do not accept that Jesus is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that there is one God, the Father. As God is the father of Jesus, Luke 1:35, then Jesus is not "humanity only", but the Son of God, a unique being, but sharing fully our human nature. He did not have two natures during his ministry.
I am Trinitarian myself, though we might be found in agreement concerning Christ. It is important to understand that the Christ, the Messiah...has a point in time in which He manifested. Equally important is understanding that the Son, as He is referred to in Scripture, is Eternal, and in fact is the very One Who created the World. I believe, in large part, that the term, "Son" is primarily a reference to the Incarnation, and when we keep that in mind we understand the Trinity better.
I do believe He had two natures, and that His Glory (the Glory of God) was veiled by the human flesh He took upon Himself. That He is God manifest in the flesh, and that God is One, though it is clear there is a distinction between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
4. Please nominate what you have in mind here.
A primary subject is the New Birth and how that relates to the different Ages of Biblical History. I believe the eternal indwelling of the Comforter is new to Biblical History beginning at Pentecost. This ties to the Ministry of Christ and the Revelation that He provided during that time, meaning, I view remission of sins, eternal indwelling, entrance to Heaven, and in general a completion only prophesied in the Old Testament to have been bestowed at Pentecost.
And there are many issues that can be discussed, which would be more for you to introduce. All of us have areas that we focus on at any given time in our studies, so what interests you will likely be something that has value in Doctrinal Discussion.
Again, thanks for the serious reply. And now, I am out of time, so hope you will give this prayerful consideration.
God bless.