AND....Paul says that when we speak in tongues we are speaking to God!
Actually Paul doesn't say that, or at least doesn't condone that. You are taking Scripture out of context. Whoever speaks in tongues speaks to God, and they are speaking in mysteries, therefore don't do it. That is the gist of the verse, isn't it? It is a condemnation of the practice. Why take it out of context? He never says "that you are speaking to God," in the sense that it is a good thing to do. He might as well have said you are speaking to a demon. He is saying don't do it. It doesn't edify. That which does not edify the church cannot be done.
Then why in the verses I shared were they speaking to God and telling Him of his wonderful works..praising him for his wonderful works???
OT verses have nothing to do with this topic.
My point is that tongues was the sign to them that the Holy Ghost was sent by Jesus!
And your point is wrong. That was not the purpose of speaking in other languages on the Day of Pentecost at all. It was a sign to these Jews that prophecy had been fulfilled. Peter told them what that prophecy was, and explained the meaning of it. He told them judgment was coming. He told them of "that great and notable day of the Lord" that would be accompanied with signs and wonders from heaven.
Exactly! So the disciples were declaring the wonderful works of God in praise to God...Peter did the preaching!
You are confused and are adding to the Scriptures.
They were declaring the wonderful works of God,
but not in praise to God, as you keep adding. They were telling the people of those works, not telling God. Why did God need to know? He already knew of his works. They were telling these unsaved people of God's wonderful works. That is what the text says. You keep adding to the Word of God.
If they had read the Bible, the gospels which tell of the miracles of Christ, would they be telling God or the people?
They were testifying to the people of the wonderful works of God.
Again you are right, they can not see the Spirit! But they did see Him being manifested through the disiples in tongues! 1 cor. 12 tells us that the gifts are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit! So what they SAW was tongues!
Again you read into this passage that which is not there. Again, that is adding to the Word of God.
They did not see the Holy Spirit. Neither did the SEE tongues. One does not "see" speech. You can't read the events of 1Cor.12-14 into Pentecost. In 1Cor. Paul was giving instructions to believers. Here the disciples were testifying and preaching to ungodly unbelievers. It is a completely different situation. These are not the manifestations of the Spirit, per se. It is the events of Pentecost, an historical event that happened once in history, never to happen again.
These ungodly people saw some supernatural phenomena. They did not see the Holy Spirit, nor even a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The great majority of them rejected the message of Peter.
The 3,000 that were saved, were convicted of the Holy Spirit:
"Men and brethren what shall we do." That was the Holy Spirit working in their hearts. They were in the minority.
They got saved. The Holy Spirit entered and indwelt their hearts; not the rest--not the 97,000 others that were present.
I have gone over this with you in previous threads! THe Holy Spirit was poured out for all that believe...Acts 2:38-39! I understand the indwelling Holy Spirit! That is our new birth! But the baptism is for power!
No, Eph. 5:18 says to be filled with the Holy Spirit is for power.
Throughout the book of Acts we find different disciples stand up, and being filled with the Holy Spirit they spoke with power.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with power. The Scriptures don't teach that. It is a one time event connected with salvation. Since you have a wrong view of the Book of Acts you will continue to have a wrong view of the "baptism of the Holy Spirit." Show me the view you hold through the epistles only.