With permission of Jordan, I would like to go off OP
Should women be required to register for the draft.
No. Neither women nor men should be required to register for the draft. But I don't believe women should be allowed in the military at all, be they conscripts or volunteers.
If I was a young person today and I was drafted, I wouldn't go.
When I was a kid, I used to get so angry at the guys who burned their draft cards to protest Vietnam and the impressment of American citizens into the military.
I was young and didn't understand the moral differences between Vietnam and WWII. A war was pretty much just another war.
Knowing what I know now, if I'd been older then, I'd have been the guy smuggling them into Canada in the back of my pickup.
Of course, knowing what our government is doing now and how corrupt and out of control it is, I might still get that opportunity.