First of all we need to define the term "fight." I don't mean ad homenem. I mean the ability to have your views sharply scrutinized and criticized while fiercely criticizing and scrutinizing the views of others.
I'm no stranger to Puritan board.
Fights break out there all of the time.
HOWEVER, the extremes don't exist on Puritan board so fighting is going to be less severe and less frequent than what is called for here.
On Puritanboard you don't have ANYBODY who thinks that God DID NOT KNOW exactly what future would take place before he made the world.
On Puritanboard you don't have people saying nonsense like "God is so sovereign that he is not sovereign over billions of things that happen every day in this world."
On puritanboard you don't have the disdain for education that you find with so many on here.
On Puritanboard you don't have many people like Winman who will say, "I don't NEED any man to teach me. I don't care what the whole history of the Christian church has believed about a particular passage or doctrine. GOD SPEAKS TO ME!"
Do you see?
Yes I do & always have.... but you are not going to persuade anyone by what you are attempting now. Both you & I fervently believe in historical orthodoxy, salvation by grace alone (sola gratia) but you are now contending for position with those who have added divine grace plus human effort .... thats their position & they have held it for a long time. To my way of thinking & Im sure yours as well, that is a theological dislocation that will lead to the eventual abandonment of orthodoxy.
What I attempted to explain to you in an earlier message is that we have people who do sit back & observe. Do we want them to view us as the offensive & nasty side of the argument & drive these people to become Paul stated "God Forbid"! :laugh: Rather we want them to understand & appreciate the meaning of the Reformed faith (& accept rather than reject our understanding)
Brother, and you only do that by scholarly & genteel debate & persuasion. Take the high road. Allow the "Paul Washers" of the world to agitate the masses. Unless of course, If you want to join Paul on the missionary field, thats your prerogative. As for me, this place is a great learning tool for how to deal with people without leaving your seat. Pray for me though, Im an itinerant with a bible in hand trying to bring people from NJ to the lord. It aint easy.