Brother,Calvinist them selves have told me what they believe. I've read the so called doctrines of grace and none of them are scriptural I have read and studied Calvinist trying to figure out where they get what they believe for more than 10 years none of what I have learned about them is scriptural.
Please don’t take this wrong as I mean this to help by pointing out a defect and not as an insult.
Think about what you are telling me. You have read the “so called doctrines of grace” and have studied and read Calvinists trying to figure out where they get their beliefs for more than 10 years…but you have yet to find a reason to read the Canons of Dort!!!
Your investigation has led you to believe that Calvinists view salvation as God dragging the unwilling to salvation because some you have met told you so. Yet had you, in those 10 years of investigative study, ever ventured to read the Canons of Dort (where Calvinistic soteriology is expressed), or authors of the past like John Gill, John Knox, John Calvin, John Owen (a lot of John’s

I have to ask, since you did not source the Canons of Dort, Calvinistic scholars of the past, or even contemporary Calvinistic theologians…exactly what sources did you rely upon in this 10 year journey to learn what Calvinists believed?
I do believe that you see Calvinism wrongly. But I am not claiming to know your beliefs. I am arguing against misrepresenting the views of other Christians. I’ve argued along the same lines in the past with a few who misrepresented non-Calvinistic positions to forward their position (again, a straw-man argument is just a lie created to puff up one’s own doctrine).I see Calvinism just as you see what I believe. Wrong.
No, they actually derived their doctrines from Scripture…i.e., the Word of God…although you disagree with their interpretations, conclusions, and/or application. You are wrong to state that Calvinists get their beliefs from men instead of God just as they would be wrong to state the same of you. In fact, your error here is the EXACT error that is wrong within Calvinism today. And it is an error which I also believe to be a sin. Perhaps you believe what you are saying, and maybe it could be expected and overlooked a century ago. But with technology what it is, there is no excuse except negligence.They get there doctrines from men not God. Like you they want to talk more about Calvinistic writers and the things they have written as if their books are as right as scripture.
And of course, on this topic, it is more appropriate to talk about what Calvinists believe than discuss the validity of those beliefs because....well, that is the topic.
Insofar as what I believe, you have NO grounds to even think of opening your mouth (or moving your fingers in a tapping motion above your keyboard) because you have no inkling of my soteriological views or the reasons I hold them. For just like with Calvinism, you occasionally reference my belief…. but you have not taken the time to learn what I actually believe.
Woah…hold up….Yet according to you they are wrong.
NOT ACCORDING TO ME (yes….the caps mean shouting because it’s what I’ve been saying all along but apparently you haven’t heard
And Calvinism is not defined by any of the diverse views within that soteriology. The reason you are wrong has NOTHING to do with what I believe. The reason you are wrong is that what you are calling Calvinism is opposed to Calvinistic soteriology as defined in the Canons of Dort.
The Canons of Dort (had you taken the time to read them) would have saved you about 9 years 11 months 3 weeks and 2 days of study to find out how Calvinists support their position biblically. The Articles of the Remonstrance, likewise, would help you understand how Arminians support their position biblically. All of these things are easily available to us so there is NO EXCUSE for one to argue in ignorance.
This is absolute nonsense. God has no need to interpret Scripture because He wrote it.It is God almighty that interprets scripture not men
We are guided by the Holy Spirit who unveils what has been revealed (or reveals, I suppose, to us individually). Yet (unless you are willing to deny Scripture....which I suppose, remains on the table) we see as through a glass dimly, we know in part, and we understand in part. We struggle with what is inherently human and finite in our work to understand the Infinite (sometimes trying to understand what is not ours to know).
That is why Christians come to different conclusions (even the ones who devote their lives to study). That is why we…well, some of us….can look to the Charles Spurgeons and the George Whitefields right alongside the John Wesley’s and the Adam Clarkes and praise God for such workers in the field. We evaluate the teachings of others against Scripture. Granted, we may come up with different interpretations this side of glory. But we must first know what is being taught before we can evaluate it. Those 10 years you spent studying Calvinism (or, perhaps, studying anti-Calvinism) would have been better spent witnessing to others and weaving socks for veterans in the VA as you seem not to have even considered what constitutes Calvinistic soteriology.
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