Seems like that was true of Jesus too. It is my understanding that He grew in wisdom and stature.
I heard that somewhere too, LOL. I am not a pastor, and know in my heart I have never been called, as I do not have the temperament for it. It requires a person with supernatural patience, encouragement, and a person who can discern and edify. It takes such a unique person, that I cannot imagine how anyone could hold the office of pastor and not know they are called for sure.
We have had several threads on here recently about this subject, but it is hard to imagine a called person, called to be a leader in a New Testament Church for Jesus Christ, to put out some of the posts that are seen on this board.
I would think such a calling would give an individual a whole different outlook on responsibility to the Lord and his congregation than the average church member.
There are no doubt some who have made it through a church vote that are not called, that can keep up the act for a while, but without the calling of God, the brand of Jesus Christ on their hearts, it will not last long.
You being a pastor could maybe answer this question, why would anyone not called ever want such a job? It has got to be like a round peg in a square hole. It has got to be a miserable existence to be an uncalled pastor.