No I can't find such a verse, nor do I believe you or I can find a verse where Christ says it is not all right ... though I do not believe he would say it is all right if asked directly.
What would make you believe He would say it is not alright?
Now will you answer my questions:
1, Where does Christ say it is all right to kill your enemy? Where does he say it is right to go to war?
1a) Nowhere, so what does this mean then to you? You are not to kill your enemy? When your enemy breaks into your home and begins raping your children what will you do? Wait for 911 to show up?
1b) I know He ordered war in the OT, but if He does not say it is ok to go to war in the NT then what does this mean to you that He did not say to go to war? Are you not to go to war?
I believe the reason you presented the question was to prove that since Christ didn't say to go to war then it must mean Christ does not want you to go to war. Correct?
Then using your theology, since Christ did not tell us to pull unwanted children feet first from their mother's wombs and kill them then it must mean that Christ does not want us to pull unwanted children feet first from their mother's wombs and kill them . Correct?
2. How can anyone say they are a follower of Chist and go against his teaching on how we should treat others?
I agree. So how can anyone who says they follow Christ support candidates who declare they will support murder on demand of these children in the wombs?
Are you making an assumption that I am for abortion? I have never said I am for abortion. Just curious as so many here seem to jump to conclusions.
Are you for abortion? Are you against abortion? Or are you appathetic to the children being ripped to pieces until dead in the wombs?
God Bless! :thumbs: