Doggone good question!!!
Eric Holder is a danger to our country. He's apparently decided the "crotch bomber" from Christmas Day...a Nigerian, non-citizen, terrorist enemy combatant...
Now that this scum has been (unlawfully and wrongly) given rights afforded to US citizens, we will not know of any future al-Qaeda plans. He will be afforded discovery rights...which means al-Qaeda will gain knowledge of our strategies and plans. And means that with the right judge or jury (and who knows what kind of deals could be in the mix)...this guy could cut a deal, and not face the punishment he deserves.
If a single American loses his or her life due to Holder's incompetence (or corruption) on this issue, I think a trial for treason would be in order.
What an absolute idiot we have as our attorney general. This guy is either a raging moron, or he is a weirdbeard sympathizer.
Eric Holder is a danger to our country. He's apparently decided the "crotch bomber" from Christmas Day...a Nigerian, non-citizen, terrorist enemy combatant...
Now that this scum has been (unlawfully and wrongly) given rights afforded to US citizens, we will not know of any future al-Qaeda plans. He will be afforded discovery rights...which means al-Qaeda will gain knowledge of our strategies and plans. And means that with the right judge or jury (and who knows what kind of deals could be in the mix)...this guy could cut a deal, and not face the punishment he deserves.
If a single American loses his or her life due to Holder's incompetence (or corruption) on this issue, I think a trial for treason would be in order.
What an absolute idiot we have as our attorney general. This guy is either a raging moron, or he is a weirdbeard sympathizer.