In a church that I was formerly a member of, one of the deacons had an ex-wife that lived in the area. He was remarried, and his 2nd wife was very active in the church. The ex-wife got upset about something and stapled posters all around the neighborhood regarding the man's character, and questioning the validity of a church where this man was allowed to be a deacon. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the object of someone's past lust, or a partner in a mutual tyrst years ago, will come around stapling posters around the neighborhood, but I haven't personally witnessed it. I agree that one sin is not any larger than the other, and as one poster expressed so eloquently, no one is perfect; however, I personally do not see any problem with applying divorce to the 'one woman man' context. Of course, I wouldn't put it pass wife #1 to start hanging posters around my community. It is good that we are seperated by a few states.