Third only to pornography and abortion, I believe divorce is probably the most devastating ill on today's society, especially on the lives of the affected family, namely the children. I see it every day in the lives of my daughters' friends. Yet, there are those that look at divorce as just another 'oh-oh' in the scheme of life. One can use the scriptures to justify that God permits divorce; however, there are many more scripture condeming the resulting societal ills, especially where children are involved. I guess if it is OK to divorce your wife, then it also means that you are divorced from the children of that wife. I wonder how many of the divorced pastors and deacons are involved in the lives of their 'ex-children', or is it one of those 'out-of-sight, out-of-mind' type situations. Heck, if the ex-children are never seen in the his church, then it must be an 'OK' divorce. Would the 'ex-children' be invited to the Deacon's ordination? After all, it is a great and joyous occasion, and I'm sure they would want to be part of their ex-Dad's shining moment. As I said earlier, I am divorced, and this disqualifies me from serving as a Pastor or a Deacon. My son (no, he is not my ex-son), will be 29 years old this May. The consequences of the divorce on his life can never be undone. Yes, I sent that monthly child support check until he was 18 years old, but he needed a lot more than that. If you believe that divorce is just another 'oh-oh' in a person's life, then by all means continue to call your divorced Pastors and elect your divorced Deacons; however, please explain to the thousands and thousands of children affected each year just how great their 'ex-dad' is, especially in the eyes of God, so that they may also feel good about themselves. Maybe their house can also be put in order.