This thread just proves that anybody who is at present a pastor, or a deacon needs to resign RIGHT NOW!!!
Show me just ONE of the above that meets the requirements 100%; and according to many of these posts, nothing shy of perfection will suffice! Keep in mind that Jesus condemned evil thoughts/desires just as vehemently as the deed.
But then, according to many, divorce is the only one that makes you rejectable across the board.
I'm sorry, but I have a real problem just picking and choosing; either you accept the requirements as stated, or it's anybody's call as to their "favorite" short-coming! If divorce is grounds for total rejection in pastor/deacon selection, then violation of any of the other requirements is also valid!!
The only way, IMHO, to accept these teachings is to apply them to the man AT PRESENT.
When a person accepts Christ, the past is null & void as far as condemnation from God is concerned; NOT the consequences, just the condemnation. And if God can wipe the past clean, who are we to say that someone's past condemns them to 2nd class Christianity.
We're getting mighty close to playing GOD when we set conditions that He has not set! Again, as one poster has so eloquently said, "BE CONSISTENT"! IE: If divorce (past action) is condemnable, then so is lust, brawling, drunkeness, theft, murder etc etc. And who's gonna remain to fill these vacant pastor/deacon slots?
Keep in mind that my concerns are for the condition of the man AT PRESENT, and if these characteristics and requirements cannot be met AT PRESENT, then he is most definitely disqualified for the job. Not if he stumbles, but if his lifestyle falls short.