New Member
my earlier post about sexual assults on women in the millitary on 20/20 (years ago) came with undercover video as proof.
I believe also, that it does occur in the military and with a greater frequency than in society at large. I also believe that there are many confident and moral men and women of character in the military, and many men would come to the defense of a lady being assaulted by a fellow soldier if they are aware.
However, the military also depends upon cohesion of its forces, that also means trusts shared between members within a unit or division. Complaints are not encouraged, however minor or serious, as it presents a problem for leadership's responsibility to maintain discipline and coheasion.
Sexual assaults do not typically occur in conditions other than isolation so there's seldom the supporting evidence of witnesses. It's not something that a man would brag about, and, for a woman so traumatized, its not likely something she'd talk about to anyone but a close friend first, and even then with dis-ease.
On the one side, the military can do all that it can to discourage opportunities for isolation. On the other hand, a woman who trust a male soldier who has gained her trust in social or duty situations, may still be a victim in an isolated situation, much as young women frequently find themselves in with date rape. As with the guard tower, the military can demonstrate caution with some assignments. But the duties and co-hesive trust of soldiering demand integrity in such assignments which may inadvertantly create isolation, and complaints involving a victimazation or an attempt, by one (or more) soldier due to such advantage needs serious investigation and discipline.