Do you believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church?
Simple answer. Absolutely not.
The Lord Jesus taught me Himself, and showed me via the scriptures after I prayed for 3 months to know the truth about this thing called a rapture.
And after 3 months of praying (back in those days when I was a pretty new believer I had a grocery list of things I prayed about routinely), He spoke to me, clearly, and I heard it in my ear, but it was also in my mind's ear.
He said, "Go to your room, get your bible, and read Matthew 13." And so I did. And as I was reading the chapter, nothing, nothing, nothing, and I was thinking to myself, "Did I just imagine Him talking to me???", and then BAM!, there it was. Startling.
And it was the exact opposite of what the pre-tribbers were teaching. Clear as day in His word, He showed me.
Then He said, "Now turn to Matthew 24" and I knew where He was leading me in that chapter, and the passage confirmed and backed up what He had just shown me in Matthew 13.
And then over the next many years, He continued to show me more and more passages that gave clear detail on the TIMING of this event. Clear as day.
And the event happens at the very end. The saints must endure to the end, through the great tribulation.
I can upload the 7 passages in the New Testament that speak on this with no ambiguity, but for now let me tell you something important related to the "doctrine" pre-tribbers grab hold of and from that (using domino theory) arrive at something false.
They believe that because God has not destined us to wrath, therefore we cannot possibly be here on earth during the latter half of the 7-year tribulation.
EXCEPT that that very short time on earth (the 7 bowls of wrath written in Revelation chapter 16) is not the wrath that the apostles are speaking about when it is written. The apostle is referring to the wrath of the Great White Throne judgment where the wrath is TRULY rendered.
So if you're interested, I can show you the 7 new testament passages that show clearly the timing of events, i.e. This first, Then this.