Now it has been well known for several years that Crabtownboy, though he insists he is pro-life, is a radical supporter of the democrat party, the "party of Death", and its policies. Frankly I have accused, each time an opportunity presents itself, Crabtownboy of supporting abortion. I have no regrets! Sadly it appears that there are others on this Forum who support Crabtownboy's position, fellow travelers.
It is a fact that since 1980 the democrat party platform has contained language that supports the continuation of abortion. It is a fact that the majority of democrat politicians are strong supporters of abortion. It is a fact that in its 2012 National Convention the democrat party spent part of one evening celebrating their support of abortion. It is a fact that as an Illinois State Senator Barak Obama voted 3 or more times AGAINST a bill that would require medical aid for a child alive following a "botched" abortion. {A similar law was passed by the Republican Senate and House and signed by President Bush. I believe that Senator Graham of SC was the author of that Law.} Therefore, I have no problem identifying the democrat party as the "party of death".
Now Crabtownboy routinely counterattacks by using a passage out of Matthew 25 insisting that all who oppose the murder of the unborn child are also against giving aid to anyone who is hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, and in prison. It is clear that Jesus Christ in His role as Judge of all the Earth, is speaking in Matthew 25:31-46 of individuals, not governments, because we will all be judged as individuals when we stand before the LORD Jesus Christ. Governments will not stand at the final judgment! Yet Crabtownboy makes the irrational assumption that all who oppose the continued effort of the leftist democrat party to transform this Republic into a nation of serfs dependent on "Massa" Federal Government for their livelihood are the "goats" of Matthew 25:31-46.
I would note at this point that under the Supreme Court ruling, Roe v Wade, of 1973 abortion up to a certain point is legal in the United States. I would also note that persons, individuals, perform abortions and these persons are accountable to God for their actions. The fact that seven men in black robes sanctioned murder will be no excuse for those who for money have slaughtered 56 million unborn children or for those who support their murders. And that slaughter is continuing at the rate of almost 4000 each day.