Originally posted by ROBERTGUWAPO:
My question is--should we Christians strongly support the 2nd Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms?
My reason is, if your rights to own guns are slowly eroded, you Christians over there would be "easy picking" by leaders who would persecute you for your faith.
The 2nd amendment simply says----keep your guns!
Jesus on the other hand says---"Let persecution come!"
When I am persecuted for Jesus' sake----I give the opposition "the other cheek"----when someone tells me that I as a Christian must carry their belongings a mile---I carry them two miles!! When they say, "Blackbird---give me your coat!" I give them my cloak also!!!!
On the other hand---when I am persecuted for being a citizen of the United States---and when my rights as a citizen of the United States are all taken away---along with the rights of all other US citizens, be they Christian, muslim, or athiest----and when a foreign army invades the shores of the United States and starts "flippin' and flashin'" a different constitution and admendments before me----I can then ask the Drill Sergeant, "Which way to the rifle range???"
Here's what I believe----if I am threatened and persecuted for being a Christian---I am blessed---I give them my cheek---my cloak---and my coat---my firearm remains holstered. For Jesus said "Blessed are ye when men shall say all manner of evil against you for My name's sake!"
Call me weak if you want---but Jesus told us to be "as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves"---and we are to follow His example---who "witnessed a good report before Pontious Pilate"----and before whom when He appeard before Herod "answered him not a word"----but never once did Jesus command us to pull our swords from their scabbards in retaliation for being persecuted for His name's sake!!!!
You can't whip the devil with your "pea shooter" ---- you whip him with the word --- so you see --- he'll laugh in your face if you come against him with whatever---your "blackpowder primative weapon" or you Uzzy---or your "Nine"---but he'll flee when you stand up and resist him with the word---so given a choice---do I hand over my firearm to the feds---or do I hand over the word----I chose to hand over my firearm---but I will keep the word concealed so that I may not sin against God. Jesus said--"Fear not them who can destroy the body---but fear Him who can destroy both body and spirit in Hell!"
Bro. David