Guns in the hands of citizens make for a strong citizenry that can counter an abusive government. An abusive government, as historically proven, always paves the way to an erosion of our basic freedoms such as religion, assembly, and free speech. Therefore, should we not support the Second strongly? :thumbs:
(I asked this question ten years ago when we were way fewer.)
I think the real question is this: is the defense of one's life, liberty and property a natural right?
To answer that I would have to look at nature and see if any other living creature was given an offensive mechanism by which to repel an assailant. I see stingers, fangs, venom, claws, musk, even fire (the bombardier beetle), etc. Organisms without defenses seem to be the exceptions.
So, I would have to answer, yes, self defense is a natural right.
The next question is, are men expected to use tools in self defense? Actually, man appears to be the only creature that needs tools for every aspect of his existence. He appears uniquely equipped to fashion and manipulate sophisticated and complex tools. Even apes with their opposable thumbs lack design elements in their extremities that would give them the dexterity necessary to be proficient manipulators of sophisticated and complex tools.
So, I would have to answer, yes, men have the natural right use offensive tools (e.g. weapons) for the protection of their life, liberty and property.
So, I would also then have to answer yes, in our mission to teach all nations all things that God has commanded men, that teaching would have to include the instruction that a just government would protect the natural right of men to keep and bear arms.
So, Christians must not only strongly support the 2nd Amendment, but are commanded to illuminate the righteousness thereof.