"Unity in necessary things; liberty in doubtful things; charity in all things"
I believe our doctrine should encompass two different lists of distinctives. First of all our core beliefs:
1. The verbal inspiration of the Scriptures.
2. The virgin birth and deity of Jesus.
3. The substitutionary death of Jesus.
4. The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
5. The second coming of Christ.
Once you have those 5 fundamentals you can move onto the next set of distinctives:
1. Biblical Authority
2. Autonomy of the Local Church
3. Priesthood of the Believer
4. Two Ordinances
5. Individual Soul Liberty
6. Saved, Baptized Church Membership
7. Two Offices - Pastor and Deacon
8. Separation of Church and State
After that, all else is peripheral.
I have some preferences. Things I prefer but which are not a reason to avoid fellowship or membership over.
1. Byzantine based bible translation.
2. Conservative music, traditional psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
3. Expository preaching.
4. Particular Redemption.
5. Closed communion.
6. Seminary educated pastoral staff.
7. Discipling of new converts.
8. Strong, bible based, youth program.
9. Compassionate outreach to help meet community needs.
10. Reconciliation, not condemnation.