I have a few reasons to leave the SBC now, but I wanted to discuss with you guys and my church leaders whether I should stay or not. Here are my current reasons for wanting to leave, which may expand honestly:
1. The denomination is too "big tent." I now believe that doctrine and moral teaching is of extremely high importance. A significant minority, if not a majority at times, of Southern Baptist churches teach or enforce things I could in no way support. (Charismaticism, a kind of evangelical "modern" womanhood, birth control, church discipline in only extreme circumstances, embrace of the nuclear family over and against the extended family, a turning away from the bible as the rock of all we believe in, a poor understanding of when or when not to go to war, an odd style of American nationalism, ecumenism, health and wealth over charity, and even socially liberal politics).
While many of these are rare problems, 2 John 9-11 warns us that we are not to even welcome false teachers, let alone go to church with them! Also, some of these are trends in the denomination that I am concerned will win out in the near to mid future. Or, as is the case with church discipline, they are broad problems with determined minorities fighting for a biblical position.
2. The denomination was founded Calvinistic with heavy attention to the Doctrines of Grace. I am Arminian, and honestly coming to arguments with people at church or in the conference about this issue seems foolish to me, since the denomination is most true to its roots when it allies with people, who do not believe as I do.
3. Of all the church leaders of church history, I most identify with Menno Simons, so I view myself as a Baptist who is ultimately descended from the Mennonites and their teachings. Teachings that are heavily altered in some cases to better conform with a literal interpretation of the bible. I do not identify myself with the Reformation and its theology all that much over and against the Mennonites. Here again the SBC doesn't seem to fit given its more Reformed roots.
Thanks in advance for any comments!