You have a very vaild poll here, and although everyone has voted that third party candidates should be on the ballot, the majority of these users will NOT give a third party a chance.
They have and will continue to come up with every excuse as to why it won't work, which is part of the problem. Too little vision on some people's part if you ask me.
They would rather have a 2 party system and continue to fuss about how politics are all wrong....
Instead of continuing to debate them, I would ask. What have they done to get us out of the two party rut we are in. Who have they supported outside of the two main parties?
It's sad to see so many people see the problem, be smart enough to know how to fix it and yet not budge.
It's like alot of people and the Christian walk.. They know God exsist.. they know they need to change, and yet they never take that step and fully embrace being a Christian.
These same people that are argueing with you, if they saw a person struggling like that with their Christian walk they would do whatever it took to help bring them around, and yet they do nothing to change our current corrupt system.
You have a very vaild poll here, and although everyone has voted that third party candidates should be on the ballot, the majority of these users will NOT give a third party a chance.
They have and will continue to come up with every excuse as to why it won't work, which is part of the problem. Too little vision on some people's part if you ask me.
They would rather have a 2 party system and continue to fuss about how politics are all wrong....
Instead of continuing to debate them, I would ask. What have they done to get us out of the two party rut we are in. Who have they supported outside of the two main parties?
It's sad to see so many people see the problem, be smart enough to know how to fix it and yet not budge.
It's like alot of people and the Christian walk.. They know God exsist.. they know they need to change, and yet they never take that step and fully embrace being a Christian.
These same people that are argueing with you, if they saw a person struggling like that with their Christian walk they would do whatever it took to help bring them around, and yet they do nothing to change our current corrupt system.