Originally posted by MTA:
Isa 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Believing that God's word will have its effect, regardless of where it is spoken, why would we entertain a thought that the unsaved would not benefit by hearing God's word in our church services?
There is no argument that the mission field is not within the walls of the church, but in the world. Some churches post the sign on the door that says, "Enter to worship . . . depart to serve," and truly that is how we should all feel.
People will always see more of your faith by what you do rather than what you profess. Consequently, I believe that churches can serve their communities and honestly entice non-members to come to a service. Many churches do just that every summer under the guise of vacation bible school. VBS is a witnessing tool that is very effective. Pastors know that if the kids want to come, then maybe their parents will too.
Serving others begins by meeting their needs, in every aspect, and who is more authorized to do that than the Church?
Whether converts are won outside or inside the building is not important. The church is not brick and mortar, it is built of "lively stones."