That is all very wonderful, I wish I had it this way but in today's society, how many really live this way? Not every seemingly Christian household even know where God stands on the subject of child rearing and family. I didn't have this luxury or this experience.
I was a latchkey kid and it wasn't fun at all. I spent 10 if not more hours out of the home and my mother even more and this is just one day. I had the wonderful influences of TV and those who were not appointed to care for me or my siblings. My mother did not raise me, implement any sort of standards, principles, morals, etc. I was a free bird, we were more like friends. This being a not so Christian household, there's not much to expect.
Really, how many truly live according to God's wishes, WOH or SAH? Practically my whole family are "Christian" yet live separate lifestyles, two working parents and children left in another's care. I have not seen a benefit of two parents working outside the home, this is just my observation.
Growing up, none of my friends had a parent who stayed home and the outcome wasn't great. Even my "conservative" dad and step mom were apart of this trend. They had two good paying jobs, she was an Exec and wanted to be an independent woman. Free from a man, have self worth, etc.
I guess this is the stigma of the mother working outside the home. Whenever I tell someone I choose not to work outside, I get fem nazi comments about not relying on a man and living for myself and having standards. Somehow having a degree signifies one's worth, which I do not have. Explaining why I choose not to work can be hard because I don't fit into the modern woman of today.
Yes, many say there's nothing wrong with working out of necessity, I understand that. There are many unforseen circumstances that occur where the wife has to work, but I don't know a single woman who fits that. Those I do know work because it's what women are supposed to do.
Where there is a will, there's a way. Careful planning and budgeting can allow a mom to stay at home. Snap, we are young, military, poor according to Ca standards and we make it on one income. I turned down a job when we married just so we could learn to live on one income and do without the stress of downsizing once children came along.
I do believe a women have a set role, we are to be the caregivers and nurturers. While women working is just fine, making outside work a "career" I don't see as a necessity. Proving yourself to be the next CEO of a fortune 500 is not entirely God's best. Working to make excess is just that, excessive, not making ends meet.
I have no problem working if my husband became injured or in the event of his death, as that would be my only choice. I have put off attending college because I didn't want to be a slave to the workforce while my family paid the prices, I wanted to do something that would allow me to spend quality time with my loved ones.
This is why I feel so strongly about SAH as I didn't have a good experience with a WOHM. I simply don't fit the mantra of today, go to college, become successful, and make good money. If I followed this societal trend, I would have put off marriage and children because work became my life.
Conservative Christians may be the exception to what I see as the norm. I'm sure those who stand on the Word of God can implement good sound morals, values, standards while keeping the house running if that means the wife has to work.
For me, it's not so much about those who work out of need, it's those who want a *career* and excessiveness outside of the homelife. If one thinks she can't SAH because she would go crazy and a second income was not needed, why have children?
Funny how those who are saying I am being judgmental are themselves JUDGMENTAL ! read matthew 7:1-5 carefully.
Maybe you all didn't read where I said I had to work as a single mother....maybe you all didn't read where I said it was Gods BEST and ORDAINED plan that kids have a two parent home, where dads worked and moms stay home. As I was able to show in scripture.
Maybe you didn't read where I said I understood that there are special circumstances ( although I think many people cause their circumstances like going into debt and wonder how they got there )
Maybe you didn't read where I said we have lots of problems in this world because of SIN as mentioned in Genesis.
Maybe you didn't read where I NEVER said it was wrong for a woman to work outside the home....I and bapmom said it was best for the women to stay home while they had small children at home....or to work around their childrens school schedule if older.
We as a society have fallen for the lie that the world has adopted in many areas. Role reversals for example men trying to be like women and men trying to be like women. And our children as a whole are suffering because of it. We have adopted the worlds notion that everything is realitive....that there are NO ABSOLUTES...I think that is very sad
I didn't know a Baptist forum could be so liberal....where are all the fundamentalist ? Sorry but every preacher I have heard on this subject of marriage and the families roles say the same thing. Christians I personally know believe the same thing.
Personally all I see are people justifying the choices they or others they know have made in life.
Statistics show that the main reasons women are in the work force today are.
1) More single women in the last 30 years than there ever was....due to divorse or unmarried.
2) Couples wanting more " Stuff " Than they really need.
3) More and more people living way beyond their means and are in way to much debt.
4) Women want a career more than they want to stay home with kids.
If you notice these reasons are because of SIN and SELFISHNESS ! Not Gods BEST.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. I see this quite often, the urge to be a workaholic, Mrs. Independent, I need no man to support me, wife and mother.
This is what *I* have to deal with, as I am old fashioned and doing a disservice to the feminist movement. Maybe it's just my era as values, standards, morals have greatly changed over the years.