When your opponent has been saying for at least 2 weeks that any proposal with an amendment in it to defund ObamaCare is dead on arrival, and repeats it over and over and over again, that is the opponent planting a stake in the ground. Then Ted Cruz has his marathon speech and the opponent repeats their statement that any bill with ObamaCare in it is DOA. Plus they have the votes in the Senate to defend their position. And Presidential veto power.
It doesn't matter if you think they are reasonable, they contained elements of ObamaCare in them and the opponent had told you they would be DOA. So instead of finding a way around it they plow ahead knowing the consequences would be a shutdown. Thus, the Republicans are to blame. If any one is buying into spin it is you with your belief that the Dems are blameworthy.
I don't think that makes the Repubs to blame. What the Dems are doing is going to hurt the country. Just because the Dems said this was DOA does not make mean the Dems are not b"blameworthy".